Outcomes & Follow-up International Conference for Renewable Energies, Bonn 2004 Daniel Argyropoulos Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 2 OF 26 nMore than 3000 participants (154 government delegations, 30 international organisations, industry, civil society) nBroad media coverage, positive response from all participants to the conference outcomes nResult: creation of a strong momentum; RES high on the international agenda renewables a success
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 3 OF 26 nBroad preparatory process creating ownership in the regions and among the various stakeholders nRegional Preparatory Conferences nInternational Steering Committee (ISC) nBroad stakeholder participation at the conference: Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) nCombination of a consensus declaration and voluntary actions from all stakeholders Reasons for Success
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 4 OF 26 Conference Outcomes nPolitical Declaration nInternational Action Programme (IAP) nPolicy Recommendations for Renewable Energies
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 5 OF 26 Political Declaration nReaffirm commitment to increase with a sense of urgency the global share of RES nShare vision that RES will become a most important, widely available source of energy nCommit to halving proportion of people living in poverty and giving up to 1 billion people access to energy services from RES by 2015
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 6 OF 26 Political Declaration nOutlines principles of a follow-up process nCommitment to undertake the actions submitted to the IAP nAdopted by representatives from 154 countries
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 7 OF 26 International Action Programme (IAP) nAlmost 200 Actions and Commitments from governments, international organisations, private sector, civil society, other stakeholders n3 key themes:Policies for market development, financing options, and capacity building nCO2-reductions of 1.2 billion tonnes/year in the year 2015 (around 5% of global CO2 emissions) nFinal version published on 1 July
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 8 OF 26 Actions by leading actors
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 9 OF 26 Targets for RES nRES Targets from 23 countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, France, Iran, Jordan, Mexico, Morocco, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, Uganda, UK nEU Commission: Commitment to propose by 2005 a RES target beyond 2010
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 10 OF 26 Regional distribution
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 11 OF 26 Financial Commitments for RES nGlobal Environment Facility: USD 100 million a year for RES Projects nEIB: Increase RES lending to up to 50% of total lending for electricity generation by 2010 nEIP: Establish a EUR 50 million mezzanine fund for RES projects in Central and Eastern European Countries nGermany: EUR 500 million special facility for RES & EE in developing countries
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 12 OF 26 Knowledge about RES nUSA: Enhanced R&D efforts combined with cost reduction targets nEstablishment of an IEA Implementing Agreement on Renewable Energy Technology Deployment (RETD)
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 13 OF 26 Policy Recommendations nNon-binding recommendations, providing menu of policy options for governments, international organisations, business & finance, civil society nDerived from national experiences, best practices and success stories nIncreased coherence of political strategies, differentiated but viable for all countries
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 14 OF 26 Two-track follow-up nPolitical Declaration outlines principles of a follow-up process nAgree on measurable steps to be reported to UN CSD nAgree on a Global Policy Network Follow up
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 15 OF 26 n From Johannesburg to Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) 2006/2007 n Measurable steps taken in the IAP should be reported to the UN CSD and progress reviewed as foreseen in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation n Preparation for CSD 14/15: a meeting to identify an appropriate arrangement for follow-up Follow up: CSD
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 16 OF 26 n Renewable Energy Global Policy Network (REGPN) n Informal network of representatives from governments, parliaments, international institutions, local and regional authorities, the private sector, civil society, partnerships n Promote a comprehensive and open exchange of diverse perspectives, lessons, and experiences in the development and application of renewable energies. Follow up: REGPN
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 17 OF 26 n The German Government is taking the initiative to establish such a network n Preparation process will lead to the launch meeting in early 2005 Follow up: REGPN
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 18 OF 26 The conference report is available at …... Conference Report: Outcomes & Documentation
Green Power Central & Eastern Europe, Budapest, 27 October 2004 PAGE 19 OF 26 Thank you very much For more informationplease contact: Daniel Argyropoulos Tel Fax