Introduction to Globalisation Lesson Aims: To know what Globalisation is; To begin to explore the key concepts, processes and terminology relating to globalisation.
Key Points Globalisation is the process by which people, their cultures, money, goods and information can be transferred between countries with few or no barriers. Globalisation is nothing new in the sense that countries and continents have always been connected in economic, cultural and political ways through trade, colonialism and cooperation.
GLOBALISATION Connections between places are lengthening (new links are growing between places that are great distances apart) The world is becoming more deeply inter-connected. More and more people’s lives now connect with far-away places (e.g. Through purchasing imported commodities or cheaper personal travel). It is no longer just the richest people (the elites) who are ‘living globally.’ Modern Globalisation
What has made this possible? The world is effectively shrinking! Information, goods and services can now be transferred much more quickly. The cost of communications has fallen
Impacts of globalisation On finance On politics On people On culture
Some Trans National Companies (shell oil) have higher turnover than some countries GDP’s. Uses cheaper labour in developing countries to supply consumers in MEDC’s. Trillions of $ are exchanged electronically every day in payments, loans, shares and debt. A worldwide reduction in consumer prices ‘race to the bottom price’ Companies (news international – Sky, Sun, times owners) influence how people think on issues. An expansion of international political organisations. (EU) A loss of national identity. Companies gain power over national governments. Governments may loose control over their countries. Global trade barriers being removed. (tariffs, quotas etc.) People with IT, management and finance skills are moving around world to where jobs exist. Migrant labour is flowing to areas of high wages and better standards of work. Global tourism has increased, transporting people to far flung locations. Cheaper mobile and internet rates mean communication between people and information is free flowing. Emerging global village where people share common interests. (film) ‘Americanisation’ occurring with internet and media spreading western values and culture.