PowerPoint Tips MGT 200 For each of the following slides, you are to read the tips and then complete the task listed. At the end of this PowerPoint you will have transformed this boring simple PowerPoint into a professional looking PowerPoint.
Design Tips: *All slides should look like they belong to the same slideshow. *Adding the built in designs from PowerPoint will format all slides to look similar Tasks: *Add a design to the PowerPoint. (Click the design tab at the top of the screen, then click one of the PowerPoint themes shown)
White Space Tips: *White Space is empty space on a slide *Large amounts of white space make it appear as though you can’t find any more information for the slide, and makes your slide look incomplete. *You should try to fill the slide with larger images or larger text if you have large amounts of white space Tasks: *Change the font size in the next slide (White Space 2) to have a font size of 50 *Change the image size in the next slide (White Space 3) to take up the majority of the space under the title
White Space (2) Things you can fill in white space with Larger font Images
White Space (3)
Links Tips: *Adding links can make your PowerPoint interactive and allow you to go to any slide instead of having to go sequential *Linking allows the presenter to get audience feedback and take the presentation to what would be more relevant to the audience Tasks: *Go to next slide (Richest People in the United States) highlight “Who is number 1?”. Right click and select hyperlink. Then select “Place in this document” from the left panel of the dialog box. Select the “Bill Gates” page and click ok. *Do the same process & link “Who is number 2?” to the Warren Buffett page **Note: The links only work when your presenting, you can click F5, to start your presentation and test the links.
Richest People in the United States Who is number 1? Who is number 2?
Bill Gates Richest PeopleRichest People AdvanceAdvance
Warren Buffett Richest PeopleRichest People AdvanceAdvance
Transitions Tips: *Remove all transitions from your PowerPoint to make your presentation look professional *Slides that spin out of the screen look neat, but you want professional, not neat. Tasks: *Go to next slide (Text Animations) then click Transitions at the top of the screen. Click the up arrow on the right side of the transitions show, find and click “None”
Text Animations Tips: *Never use text animations, unless you think the audience will be distracted by the text on the screen *If you use text aminations they should only be with the “appear” animation Tasks: *Go to next slide (Closing) highlight all the text and click “Animations” at the top of your screen. Click the “None” option in the animation section at the top of your screen
Closing Tips: *Have a slide that is exactly the same or nearly the same to end your presentation. *You do not want your closing of your talking to be in front of a blank slide or of the previous topic of your presentation. Tasks: *Go to slide 1 in the panel to the left. Right click on slide 1 and select copy. In the slides panel on the left scroll down so you can see your last slide (slide 12 – Closing). Right click underneath that slide and select the clipboard image with an “a” on it. Your new slide (slide 13) should be a copy of your original slide. *On slide 13, delete the text under MGT 200, and replace with your name. *You’re all set. Now save the PowerPoint and to Mr. Burghardt