The magic and spells, for example,in the book «Harry Potter»
Выполнила ученица 9 класса Семенюта А. МАОУ гимназии № 32 г. Калининграда Научный руководитель: Перегудова Н.В.
The aim: To study spells in "Harry Potter" and their place in modern society. Tasks: 1) to examine the books and Internet resources on the occurrence of magic and spells 2) conduct a study on recognition spells in the novel "Harry Potter“ 3) describe the results, make conclusion Hypothesis: I think, that modern generation know about meaning of magic and spells in the novel «Harry Potter» well.
The magic Magic is an attempt to understand and exploit supernatural forces, using rituals, symbols, actions, gestures and language.
Magic in the novel «Harry Potter» Maggle-person, who has not any magic abilities All wizards study at special schools, like Hogwarts Squib-person, who was born in magic family, but has not any magic abilities
Spells An incantation or enchantment is a charm or spell created using words. An incantation may take place during a ritual, either a hymn or prayer, and may invoke or praise a deity.
Spells in the novel «Harry Potter» Reducio Unknown Charm Makes an enlarged object smaller. Counter-charm to Engorgio. Latin Reducere «to shrink» Accio Summoning Charm This charm summons an object to the caster, potentially over a significant distance The Latin word acco means «I call» or «I summon»
Study of recognition spells from the book "Harry Potter."
Сonclusion When I have finished this work, I can say that there is a significant relationship between the purpose and meaning of the spells, from which it is formed, besides most often spells have Latin origin.