Plagiarism School Strategic Efforts for Educating and Rehabilitating Students Academic Library Association of Ohio October 24, 2013 University Center, Kent State University at Stark Rob Kairis Library Director Kent State University at Stark Vanessa Earp Head of Instructional Services, UL Kent State University
Plagiarism Quote … “In fact, Mr. Fitzgerald — I believe that is how he spells his name — seems to believe that plagiarism begins at home.”
Plagiarism Quote … “In fact, Mr. Fitzgerald — I believe that is how he spells his name — seems to believe that plagiarism begins at home.” Zelda Fitzgerald “It seems to me,” she wrote in her review, “that on one page I recognized a portion of an old diary of mine which mysteriously disappeared shortly after my marriage, and also scraps of letters which, though considerably edited, sound to me vaguely familiar.”
FYE/Destination Kent State (Stark 2005, all campuses 2010) Stark 2005, all campuses Policy streamlined Creation of the Academic Hearing Panel Established “Best Practices” Honor Pledge 2010 Faculty Workshop, Aug Not yet? Stark Turnitin 2006/2007; all campuses SafeAssign 2012-
University-Wide Initiatives… Faculty Senate Commission on Academic Integrity (formed Spring 2010) (Fall 2010):Mandated plagiarism instruction for all FYE classes Initiated the Honor Pledge Surveyed FYE students on changes: 86% responded positively to changes--session was “thorough” or “Very Informative” “Very serious violation” 58% of students given plagiarism presentation, only 46% of students not given plagiarism presentation (Spring 2011):New Cheating and Plagiarism Policy Passes Faculty Senate (unanimously) New Cheating and Plagiarism Policy Passes KSU Board of Trustees
Faculty Senate Commission on Academic Integrity … (Fall 2011):Policy implementation gets delayed (enter the lawyers) (Spring 2012):University webpage on plagiarism is created: (Summer 2012):Online sanction form is created within Flashline (Banner)Online sanction form SafeAssign is designated as official plagiarism detection service (free component of Blackboard Learn) (Fall 2012):Policy implemented Plagiarism School is offered on all campuses University-Wide Initiatives…
ALL sections of the FYE course are required to get a session on plagiarism. Librarians across KSU taught 55 sessions last year, which typically included … Ethical Considerations Clickers used to survey students comparing plagiarism to downloading music Findings: 77% think that Many if not Most students plagiarize, while 74% download music and do not pay Plagiarism Policy What happens to students who are accused of plagiarizing Plagiarism School Individual sessions tailored to students specific problems. Allows students to fix their work and salvage their grade. FYE Plagiarism Workshop…
ALL sections of the FYE course are required to get a session on plagiarism. Librarians across KSU taught 55 sessions last year, which typically included … Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism Doing your own work; be organized; cite facts/figures (things that are not “common knowledge”); avoid “Double-dipping”; ask for help Case Studies Real life plagiarism cases Honor Pledge Developed by students in the College of Arts and Sciences (not a faculty/administration initiative) Plagiarism Workshop Webpage and Guide FYE Plagiarism Workshop…
Plagiarism Stats … Last year’s library-related plagiarism activities: Students Sanctioned for Plagiarism: 250 Students who Appealed their Sanction: 12 (hearings) Plagiarism School: 86 (66 at Kent and 20 at regional campuses) FYE/Destination Kent State Plagiarism presentations: 57 Faculty presentations: 9 General presentations/discussions on plagiarism: 25
Plagiarism School… Stats for Kent Campus Plagiarism School: 31 domestic undergraduate 4 domestic graduate 7 international undergraduate 24 international graduate Plagiairsm Kent Campus: What we have learned about: Students Faculty Administration Ourselves Future plans…….
Recognition … January 2013, WKYC broadcasts a news report June 2013, Crain’s Cleveland Business article