“ mShakti” Leveraging Technology for Community Action A pilot
Background to the pilot Manual processes of community enquiry, collation and analysis was time consuming Data entry errors Prolonged time lag between data collection and generation of compiled block / district report cards
Strengthening of VHSNC Community Awareness Training of VHSNCs Community Enquiry – Focus Group Discussions, Facility surveys and exit interviews Collation and analysis of report cards Public hearing/ public dialogue Village level Health Plans “mShakti” platform support
mShakti Toll free no: Features: – Provides information on health entitlements through an audio learning package – VHSNC members can feed community enquiry data – Qualitative feedback on health services
Operationalizing mShakti Two rounds of trainings for facilitators One round of field orientation for VHSNC members Dissemination of toll free number Two rounds of community enquiry completed (April And July, 2015) Work on the dashboard
Maternal health status – District Comparison Source:
Comparison of services between Panchayats Source:
Qualitative feedback Qualitative feedback used to be presented at Public hearing, as testimonials Can be linked to the Social networking site Source: I want to participate in Village Planning and Monitoring committee Aanganwadi centre doesn’t have any table and chair along with no facility for ANC for pregnant women This facility of “mshakti” to feed information is very good and useful In spite of an aanganwadi in the village, she operates from home and we want a serious action to be taken against her Take home rations are not being distributed
Thank you
mShakti - Costs Total cost– 15,03, 088/- (USD $ 23486) Fixed cost for developing platform and dashboard – 9,25,000/- (USD $ 14453) Variable cost (Call charges, transcription cost etc.) – Approx 5,75,000/- (USD $ 8984)