Mechanical Engineering Department CAD/CAM 4th year Prod. & 2nd Mech.
Lecturer Dr. Sherif Elatriby Assistant Prof. in Mech. Engineering Dept. Helwan Univ. Mob. 0111 40 67 598 E-Mail: FB. Sherif A. Elatriby
Course Contents Introduction NC System Tooling for CNC CAD/CAM NC Part Programming (G-Code) Repetitive machining sequences Automatically Programmed Tool (APT) Tooling for CNC CAD/CAM
Course Evaluation Prod. (300) Final Exam Practical Exam Midterm+Quiz+Attendance+Reports
Course Evaluation Mecha. (200) Final Exam Practical Exam Midterm+Quiz+Attendance+Reports
Today lecture Introduction What is machining What are machining types What are machine types What is numerical control Part selection for NC Machine Planning for use NC Advantages of NC
What is machining Production process in which the excess metal is removed in form of deposal chip Production Process Added Material Weld Assembly Same Material Casting Forming Subtract Material Machining
Questions???! Name the following machine C A B
What is machining Tool Chip WP
What is machining Milling Parameters
What is machining Turning Parameters
What is machining Drilling Parameters
What are machining types Main machining types milling turning drilling
What are machining types Milling
What are machining types Milling (Video deleted )
What are machining types Turning
What are machining types Turning (Video deleted )
What are machining types Drilling
What are machining types Drilling (Video deleted )
What is the difference??? CAD NC CNC CAM CAD/CAM CIM CAE
What is the difference??? CAD/CAM CAD is an automated technology for electronic capture of geometry (form and fit) of parts and how the parts are arranged to form subassemblies and assemblies.
What is the difference??? CAD/CAM CAM Originally CAM referred to numerical control of machine tools. Now CAM includes all automated processes in MFG.
What is the difference??? CIM The use of computer control and information technology to integrate and automate basic product development and production activities in a manufacturing enterprise.
What is the difference??? CAE is the broad usage of computer software to aid in engineering tasks. It includes computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided analysis (CAA), computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), material requirements planning (MRP), and computer-aided planning (CAP).
What is the difference??? CAD/CAM with CNC machine CAD CAM STATION Part Geometry CAD STATION CAM STATION NC Programming G-Code Programming NC Programs Ideas Old Designs Creativity Standards Speeds/Feeds Material & Size Tooling NC or CNC Machine Tool Parts
Solid Edge (CAD/CAE) Solid Works (CAD/CAE) Inventor (CAD/CAE)
What is numerical control Historical background NC is based on the work of man named John T. Parsons in 1940. he developed a method of using punched card containing coordinate position data to control a machine tool In 1948 he demonstrated his concept to US air force, which sponsored researches at servomechanisms Lab at MIT (Massachusetts institute of technology) The first demonstration of NC concept was proven
What is numerical control Definition of Numerical Control NC NC is the term used to describe the control of machine movements and various other functions by instructions expressed as a series of numbers and initiated via an electronic control system Computerized Numerical Control CNC is the term used when the control system includes a computer NC also defined as: form of programmable automation in which the process is controlled by numbers, litters , and symbols.
Part selection for NC Machine Parts with substantial tooling cost Parts with lengthy setup time on conv. machine Parts in small or variable lots Parts in wide diversity Parts produced at intermittent times Parts in complex configuration (accurate) Parts with mathematical complex contours
Part selection for NC Machine Parts at very expensive prices Parts of high priority Parts with anticipated design changes Parts with non-uniform cutting conditions Parts design in families Parts of mirror-image copies
Planning for use NC Basic knowledge of how NC works General knowledge about machine tool and control unit Best measure is to attend NC training programs offered by NC vendors, and suppliers
Planning for use NC Capital Investment Substantial initial cost as compared with conventional (500,000-10,000,000) L.E. Machine should be scheduled to pay itself
Planning for use NC Personnel and training Selecting the qualified and skilled personnel to cope with such technology
Planning for use NC Programming and tooling Tooling is related to the programming (choosing size and shape of cutting tools)
Planning for use NC Cost analysis Rather than the cost analysis of conventional machining operation Programming cost Tape of media preparation cost Note the lead time on NC is shorter than conventional 5% time on the NC machine 95% waiting and inspection
Planning for use NC Maintenance and repair Based on education offered by controller vendor Maintenance and operation of NC equipment must be restricted to trained and competent personnel
Planning for use NC Quality control The adverse effect of operator skill, fatigue and human reliability have been reduced to minimum More complex parts can be produced at high level of accuracy as well as quality
Planning for use NC Reduction of inventory Inventory of finished product is held to minimum as NC provides shorter lead time. Raw material inventories can also be held at minimum
Planning for use NC Service responsibility Define problem origination either from machine tool or control unit Best practice recommends purchasing the control unit and machine tool from the same vendor
Planning for use NC Environmental requirement Special attention should be paid to the cleanness and possibility for air conditioning
Advantages of NC High rates of productivity Uniformity of the products Reduce components rejection Reduce tooling cost Less operation involvements Complex shapes machined easily
Questions???! Which one needs NC A B D C
Questions???! Which one needs NC A B