1 USA 1919 – 41 Exam Technique © OG Scott Question 3(b) Was the New Deal successful in solving all of the problems of the Depression? You may use the following to help you with your answer. The problems of the Depression. What the New Deal did. How the New Deal succeeded. The failures of the New Deal. 16 marks Example Answer Level One (1-4 marks) Simple statements of consequence. (The student makes statements which lack any supporting contextual knowledge or makes unsupported generalisations) The New Deal was successful because it provided jobs. Low Level 1 (1-2 marks) Repetition of the provided stimulus material, or agrees / disagrees with no development. The New Deal gave help to the unemployed and gave people hope for the future. It was very popular. High Level 1 (3-4 marks) For unfocussed description. In this question the examiner will be assessing: Recall of knowledge (can you the remember relevant facts?) Analysis of consequence (can you write an essay that compares consequences?) Top Tip See how each of the level 1 answers lists achievements of the new Deal, but they do not explain them. This lack of explanation means that they will be marked as a level 1 answer. To get level 2 marks, you have to explain the reasons.
2 USA 1919 – 41 Exam Technique © OG Scott Question 3(b) Was the New Deal successful in solving all of the problems of the Depression? You may use the following to help you with your answer. The problems of the Depression. What the New Deal did. How the New Deal succeeded. The failures of the New Deal. 16 marks Example Answer Level Two (5-8 marks) Developed statements of consequence. (Developed statements which agree and / or disagree using the stimulus material and /or additional material. Mostly relevant and accurate but with an implicit focus on the question) The biggest problem of the Depression was unemployment. The New Deal promised reform, relief and recovery. It provided jobs for millions through the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Works Progress Administration. Low Level 2 (5-6 marks) Mainly narrative or of one stimuli only. The biggest problem of the Depression was unemployment. New Deal promised reform, relief and recovery. The reform was achieved by the Emergency Banking Act. Relief was achieved by the Federal Emergency Relief Act and there were jobs for millions through the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Works Progress Administration. It did not, however, succeed in its promise of recovery, as it did not end the Depression. High level 2 (7-8 marks) Develops two or more of stimuli or other relevant information. In this question the examiner will be assessing: Recall of knowledge (can you the remember relevant facts?) Analysis of consequence (can you write an essay that compares consequences?) Top Tip The level 2 answer covers the same successes of the New Deal as level 1, but now the successes have been explained and some extra information is included. However, the answer is only implicit, which means that the ideas are not directly used to say whether or not the New Deal solved all of the problems of the Depression. You will be give four pieces of stimulus material, so use all of them in your answer.
3 USA 1919 – 41 Exam Technique © OG Scott Question 3(b) Was the New Deal successful in solving all of the problems of the Depression? You may use the following to help you with your answer. The problems of the Depression. What the New Deal did. How the New Deal succeeded. The failures of the New Deal.16 marks Level Three (9-12 marks) Developed explanation of consequence. (Developed explanation of more than one consequence agreeing / or disagreeing from stimulus material and / or additional material. The answer mainly focuses on the question). The biggest problem of the Depression was unemployment. This unemployment and was a result of the Wall Street Crash and the collapse of banks. Without stability people would be too scared to spend and save so that banks could lend money to help businesses to recover as confidence returned. Low Level 3 (9-10 marks) Considers a variety of consequences, but judgement implicit. The New Deal solved this problem with an Emergency Banking Act that only allowed stable banks. A much more pressing problem was the need of millions of unemployed people for immediate help. This was provided by the Federal Emergency Relief Act which gave cash help to the unemployed. High Level 3 (11-12 marks) Considers a variety of consequences and explains why one more important than others. In this question the examiner will be assessing: Recall of knowledge (can you the remember relevant facts?) Analysis of consequence (can you write an essay that compares consequences?) Top Tip Notice how the level 3 answer explains the ways in which the New Deal was successful. You would need to produce similar sections on each of the four points in the question’s stimulus material. The high level 3 answer explains why one success, in this case FERA, was more important than others.
4 USA 1919 – 41 Exam Technique © OG Scott Question 3(b) Was the New Deal successful in solving all of the problems of the Depression? You may use the following to help you with your answer. The problems of the Depression. What the New Deal did. How the New Deal succeeded. The failures of the New Deal.16 marks Level Four (13-16 marks) Sustained argument. (This considers the inter-relationship between a range of consequences from the stimulus and / or additional material.) The New Deal set out to achieve reform, relief and recovery. It succeeded in achieving the first two, but did not manage a sustained recovery. Reform was necessary because the Depression was caused by the collapse of the banking system in the aftermath of the Wall Street Crash of The Emergency Banking Act closed all banks, only allowing safe ones to re-open. This gave people more confidence to save. Low Level 4 (13-14 marks) Mainly a judgement on the relative importance of more than two consequences. Relief was essential for the millions who were unemployed as a result of the Depression. The New Deal was very successful in achieving this aim. The Federal Emergency Relief Act provided immediate cash help, while Alphabet Agencies like the CCC and WPA provided jobs for millions. The HOLC helped people in danger of losing their homes. In this way the New Deal gave hope to millions. It did not, however, succeed in ending the Depression. This happened because of the outbreak of war in 1939, although its most important achievement had been giving hope to millions. High Level 4 (15-16 marks) Illustrates that one “most important” consequence on its own could not provide a satisfactory explanation. Top Tip Notice how this level 4 answer starts by making an overall judgement that is linked to the set question: the success of the New Deal. See how the answer judges success against what the New Deal set out to achieve and then provides supporting facts to back up its judgements. Finally, it reaches a balanced judgement about success and failure, so providing an overall judgement. You will need to plan carefully before beginning any 16 mark answer and to make sure that you actually answer the set question in this way.