DP World London Gateway 23 February 2016 WIFI:LGP_Guest Username: Guest User2 Password: Guest002 Environmental Priorities for the Thames Gateway
Hosted by UCL Membership organisation Neutral forum with a network of 4500 Maritime industry, coastal engineers, urban developers, recreational groups, commercial fisheries, heritage, regulators, landowners, academia, Thames Estuary Partnership Our charity area covers the Thames Estuary from Chelsea to the Southern North Sea schools and the general public
TEP Stakeholder Engagement Action Groups provide a neutral platform for constructive discussion of issues and a space for conflicting sectors to work together for the good of the estuary : Thames Planning Biodiversity Fisheries Dredging Archaeology Education Research Recreation
External Fora National Liaison Panel Estuaries and Coasts Sub Group Local Government Association Coastal SIG TRaC CaBA WG Thames River Basin District Liaison Panel National Liaison Panel TRaC Waters Working Group Catchment Partnerships in London Chair of Skills and Training Forum – Thames Tideway Tunnel Vice Chair of Thames Path – London Management Greater London National Park City – steering group London Climate Change Partnership TEAM2100 R&D Group Coastal Partnership Network secretariat
TEP Events and communications
A seminar programme during academic terms featuring: Thames Crossings – Neil Kedar, Transport for London The Thames as a SSSI – Martin Salter, Angling Trust TEP Events and communications
TEP and Partners: Strategy and Guidance Documents Management guidance for the Thames Tidal Thames Habitat Action Plan State of the Thames Estuary Estuary Edges Thames Strategy East
2008 – Thames Estuary Path Survey Thames Path – City to Sea TEP and Partners: Strategy and Guidance Documents
TEP Project Management
TEP Fundraising EU LIFE City Rivers for Life – GI and PAA – Feb 2016 EMFF – North Thames FLAG – multiple benefits including tourism, flood defence and training BL Reaching Communities – Roll out YTT EU bids developing – urban wetlands and integrated coastal management
Get in touch Pat Fitzsimons Twitter.com/ThamesEstPart