IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: Title: New scenarios for Date Submitted: May 16, 2013 To be presented at… Authors or Source(s): Daniel Corujo (ITAV) Carlos Guimarães (ITAV) Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M) Abstract: This document contains a list of potential scenarios related to the utilization of MIH mechanisms en sensor environments
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Topics … High-level MIIS information New network link events
High-Level MIIS information The MIIS could be coupled with high-level information Assisting PoA selection by the user Going beyond the normal network interface configuration parameters Adding parameters which can be consumed by applications Such as network management applications Examples of information Video-Services (i.e., better QoS/exclusive content) Emergency Services This information could be normalized Using new developed I.E.s Or left open to be defined by the operator/deployed Create a new meta-type allowing the operator to define new I.E.s
High-Level MIIS information MuGM5 Example Scenario MN connected to 3G in Net C Two WiFi networks are detected: A and B Both have similar SNR, load, etc. However, Net A has a special operator agreement to stream video from the Video Source By consulting the MIIS, the MN learns that Net A is better for that video source Example IE IE_MULTIMEDIA_SUPPORT
New Network Link Layers Network events are events generated by network entities E.g., PoAs Examples: Link_Parameters_Change events related to network aspects such as –Load –User attached/dettached … These events could be used to trigger other management procedures on the network However, requires common base of events throughout the different technologies Requires deep analysis of other 802 standards
New Network Link Layers MuGM7 Example When a node attaches to a AP, it sends a Link Parameters Change indication towards the PoS The PoS, keeps accounting of these attachments Or accesses a AAA When the number of MNs in a AP reaches a predefined threshold, it can initiate a handover preparation and commit