1) NF P DTU 13.2 (1978 & additional modifications 1991) II ) Fascicule 62 titre V III) Euro Code 7 : Geotechnical Design FRENCH CODE
Micropiles : - Drilled - Diameter < 250 mm DTU 13.2 Classification based on the method of grouting
Design : - Structural bearing capacity - Geotechnical bearing capacity - Control tests
Micropiles (II, III, IV) - Steel is only considered in the design - Admissible stress - Service loads (ELS) : a = 0.5 e - Ultimate loads (ELU) : a = 0.75 e - Reduction of the section for corrosion - Buckling verfication (Mandel Method) Structural bearing capacity :
Friction forces only Qs = 2 D s L q s Design Diameter (Ds) : Ds = Dd (Dd = Drilled diameter) Values of Geotechnical bearing capacity
Determination of friction q s -Cohesive soils (laboratory tests) -Without results from in-situ tests - Cone penetration tests - Pressuremeter test of Menard
Cohesive soils qs = Cu low injection pressure) (Type I, II) high injection pressure) (III et IV) -Without results from in-situ tests
Cone penetration test q s = q c /
Pressuremeter test of Menard Classification (soil, type of micropile)
Reduction factor for q s Service loads (ELS) : 0.5 Ultimate loads (ELU) : 0.75
Control tests - Compression : 1 test / 200 micropiles - Tension : 1 / 50 - N < 25, without test, reduction of the bearing capacity by 1.5