Ecosystems of the World AP Study Review
Naming Ecosystems Terrestrial Ecosystems = Biomes – Separated based upon their climate, which involves average temperatures and rainfall Aquatic Ecosystems = Aquatic Life Zones – Separated based upon light availability, nutrient availability and water temperature Ecozones / Ecoregions: – Areas within an ecosystem which share similar characteristics Ecotone: – Area where two different ecosystems meet
Biomes: Deciduous Forest Temperate and Tropical variety cm of rain Rich soil with a high level of organic material Major vegetation = Hardwood Trees Locations: – North America, Europe, Australia, East Asia
Biomes: Tropical Rainforest cm of rainfall There is poor soil quality, why?? – Dead organic matter is processed so efficiently and plants are so efficient at taking in nutrients that any nutrients which enter the soil are almost immediately taken up and stored – Soil of most rainforests is greater than 100 million years old, it rains a lot = nutrient leaching Major Vegetation: Tall trees, vines, ferns, plants adapted to lower light intensity >>>>> biodiversity Locations: – South America, West Africa, and Southeast Asia
Biomes: Grasslands Includes savanna and prairies 10-60cm of rain per year Most areas have very rich soil Major vegetation: grasses and shrubs Locations: – North American plains and prairies, Russian steppes, South African veld, Argentinian pampas
Biomes: Coniferous Forest AKA: Taiga 20-60cm in the summer The soil is very acidic because of the vegetation present Major vegetation: Conifers (“pine trees”) Locations: – Northern North America, northern Eurasia
Biomes: Tundra < 25cm of precipitation per year Soil is permanently frozen – Current problem is that the permafrost is melting due to the increasing global temperature Major vegetation: herbaceous plants Locations: – Northern latitudes of North America, Europe, and Asia
Biomes: Chaparral AKA: Scrub Forest 50-75cm of precipitation mostly in the winter Soil is shallow and not fertile Major Vegetation: small trees with hard leaves, and spiny shrubs Locations: – Western North America, and Mediterranean region
Biomes: Deserts Could be cold or hot < 25cm of precipitation per year Soil is sandy Major vegetation: cacti and other plants that are adapted to low water conditions Locations: – 30 degrees north and south of the equator
Biome Characteristics Every single biome contains certain characteristics unique to itself – Determine which organisms are capable in living within the biome Characteristics include: – Availability of nutrients and water – Temperature – Precipitation – Light availability – # and type of disturbances, if present
Biome Laws Law of Tolerance – Living organisms exhibit a range of tolerance toward the condition in their habitat and the surrounding environment Law of the Minimum – Living organisms will continue to live in a biome, habitat, or environment as long as there is a supply of consumable/usable resources
Diversity Biodiversity – Describes the number and variety of different species in a specific geographic region Why is biodiversity important? – Used to measure how ‘healthy’ an ecosystem is – The more biodiversity within species in an ecosystem means that there is a larger gene pool through which adaptation can occur = survival