“Marian the Librarian” takes on Twenty First Century Learning Christi S. Lenz University of West Georgia MEDT 6466
This is the image ingrained in most of our mind of what a librarian is most like. Research shows that today’s library media specialist can impact student achievement and functions in a leadership capacity in today’s 21 st century learning environment.
What does research tell us? The Colorado studies are among the most notable studies related to libraries and school achievement. Researchers affiliated with the Library Research Service of the Colorado State Library and the University of Denver have completed four statewide studies about the impact that school library media programs have on the academic achievement in U.S. public schools.
These four studies provide evidence of the following findings; Certified school library media specialists make a difference and affects student performance on achievement tests. In order for library media specialists to have a positive affect on student achievement they must be supported by principals and teachers. Library media specialists are most effective when they have support staff which enables them to participate in planning and administrative meetings outside the library media center. Library media specialists have a two-fold teaching role. They should be teaching information literacy skills to students and serving as in-service trainers for teachers. Library media specialists must also be abreast of current technology ensuring that school networks extend the availability of information resources beyond the walls of the LMC, throughout the building, and into students' homes.
Research by the numbers. James C. Baughman, Ph. D. from Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts also found that school libraries and student achievement are strongly related. The results of the Simmons Study of school libraries, which was based on a statewide survey of Massachusetts schools, confirm the value of school libraries and can be summarized as follows:
1. At each grade level, schools with library programs have higher state achievement test scores. 2. At each grade level, students score higher on state achievement tests when there is a higher per pupil book count. 3. At each grade level, schools with increased student use have higher state achievement test scores. 4. At each grade level, school libraries with more open hours score higher on the state achievement tests. 5. At the elementary and middle school levels, students score higher on the state achievement test when there is a library instruction program. 6. At the elementary and middle school levels, average state achievement test scores are higher in schools with larger per pupil expenditures for school library materials. 7. At the elementary and high school levels, students who are served by a fulltime school librarian have higher state achievement test scores than those in schools without a full-time librarian. 8. At the elementary and high school levels, library staff assistance makes a positive difference in average state achievement test sores. 9. At the elementary level, students score higher on the state achievement test when the library is aligned with the state curriculum frameworks. 10. At the high school level, schools with automated collections have higher average state achievement test scores.
What role should the 21 st century media specialist play in our school? In a the study titled “Measuring Up to Standards” we see that test scores increase as school librarians spend more time in the areas listed below. teaching cooperatively with teachers; teaching information literacy skills independently; providing in-service training to teachers; serving on standards committee; serving on curriculum committee; and managing information technology.
How can we evaluate our school library media program? The Georgia Department of Education has created a Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric that ties in the principles of Information Power, the Standards for 21 st Century Learners and the Georgia Performance Standards. Click on the link below to access the rubric. Georgia DOE 2011 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric
References Ph. D, J. B. (n.d.). School Libraries and MCAS Scores. School Libraries and MCAS Scores. Retrieved October 25, 2011, from web.simmons.edu/~baughman/mcas-school- libraries/Baughman%20Paper.pdf Lance, K. C. (n.d.). Measuring Up to Standards. The Impact of School Library Programs & Information Literacy inPennsylvania Schools. Retrieved October 24, 2011, from Georgia Department of Education - Error. (n.d.). Georgia Department of Education. Retrieved October 25, 2011, from Google Images. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved October 25, 2011, from Lance, K. C. (n.d.). Proof of the Power: Recent Research on the Impact of School Library Media Programs on the Academic Achievement of U.S. Public School Students. ERIC Digest.. ERICDigests.Org - Providing full-text access to ERIC Digests. Retrieved October 25, 2011, from THE ILLINOIS STUDY FACT SHEET. (2005, February 18). Illinois School Library Media Association. Retrieved October 25, 2011, from