Domains and Kingdoms of Life
3 Domains Archaea = Prokaryotes Bacteria = Prokaryotes Eukarya = Eukaryotes (hence the name) These used to be called one single domain called “Monera”
Archaea Prokaryotes These have a very unique and tough cell wall Halobacteria is tough and highly resistant to hot environments. This hot Sulphur spring is a good environment for these to be found. Prokaryotes These have a very unique and tough cell wall They can be found in very extreme environments Unique rRNA
Bacteria Prokaryotes Cell walls contain peptidoglycan Sensitive to antibiotics (some exceptions) Have their own unique rRNA
Eukarya May have a cell wall, but it doesn’t have peptidoglycan Have their own unique rRNA Resist traditional antibiotics Remember all that stuff about eukaryotes? All that still applies…
6 Kingdoms Domain Archaea has one kingdom called Archaea (easy) Domain Bacteria has one kingdom called Bacteria (still easy!) Domain Eukarya has 4 kingdoms called Animalia = animals Plantae = plants Fungi = fungus Protista = protists
Animals Always multicellular – meaning they are very complex arrangements of many cells Heterotrophs – they have to eat sources from other living things for energy Do not have a cell wall – makes them more motile/moveable Embryos develop using a blastula – a hollow sphere of cells with fluid while developing early in life.
Plants Multicellular Autotrophs – they obtain their energy from non-organic sources and produce their own food Their cell walls are made of cellulose They contain chloroplasts that photosynthesize Alternate generations – this means they cycle different genetic features over time so they can have some variation
Fungi Mostly multicellular (ex: yeast is single- celled) Mostly heterotrophs (ex: saprophytes are autotrophs) Cell walls are made of chitin – gives the exterior a rubbery feel Reproduce sexually or asexually through spores Mostly immobile
Protists (anything that isn’t a plant or animal) Mostly microscopic Mostly single-celled Some are heterotrophs, some are autotrophs Reproduce both sexually and asexually Examples of protists: seaweed (kelp), algae, amoebas, parmeciums. Protists are pretty much the junk group of all the kingdoms