Kim Hastings – November 2010
To describe the key elements of the cardiovascular system To relate structure to function of key components To describe blood flow around the body To describe the heart’s conduction system To explain the cardiac cycle To briefly describe blood vessels To briefly describe/explain cardiovascular adaptations to exercise
Components: Heart Blood vessels Blood Functions to: Transport substances Oxygen and nutrients to cells Wastes from cells to liver and kidneys Hormones, immune cells, and clotting proteins to specific target cells
heart arteries arterioles capillaries venules veins Arteries—relatively large, branching vessels that conduct blood away from the heart Arterioles—small branching vessels with high resistance Capillaries—site of exchange between blood and tissue Venules—small converging vessels Veins—relatively large converging vessels that conduct blood to the heart Closed system
Erythrocytes—red blood cells Transports oxygen and carbon dioxide Leukocytes—white blood cells Defend body against pathogens Platelets—cell fragments Important in blood clotting Plasma—fluid and solutes
Pulmonary circuit Supplied by right heart Blood vessels from heart to lungs and lungs to heart Systemic circuit Supplied by left heart Blood vessels from heart to systemic tissues and tissues to heart
Exchange between blood and tissue takes place in capillaries Pulmonary capillaries Blood entering lungs = deoxygenated blood Oxygen diffuses from tissue to blood Blood leaving lungs = oxygenated blood
Systemic capillaries Blood entering tissues = oxygenated blood Oxygen diffuses from blood to tissue Blood leaving tissues = deoxygenated blood
Cardiovascular system = closed system Flow through systemic and pulmonary circuits is in series Left ventricle aorta systemic circuit vena cavae right atrium right ventricle pulmonary artery pulmonary circuit pulmonary veins left atrium left ventricle
Parallel with other organs in systemic circuit Blood in chambers does not supply nutrients to cardiac cells Heart has own set of capillaries Heart capillaries are supplied by coronary arteries (left and right) that arise from aorta
Parallel with other organs in systemic circuit Blood in chambers does not supply nutrients to cardiac cells Heart has own set of capillaries Heart capillaries are supplied by coronary arteries (left and right) that arise from aorta
Pressure within chambers of heart varies with heartbeat cycle Pressure difference drives blood flow High pressure to low pressure Normal direction of flow Atria to ventricles Ventricles to arteries Valves prevent backward flow of blood All valves open passively based on pressure gradient
Atrioventricular valves = AV valves Right AV valve = tricuspid valve Left AV valve = bicuspid valve (mitral valve) Papillary muscles and chordae tendinae Keep AV valves from everting Semilunar valves Aortic valve Pulmonary valve
The conduction system of the heart Spread of excitation through the heart muscle The ionic basis of electrical activity in the heart Electrical activity in cardiac contractile cells Recording the electrical activity of the heart with an electrocardiogram
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Plasma membrane Intercalated disk Sarcomere Desmosome Plasma membrane Gap junction channels Electrical current (b)
Atria contract, then followed by ventricles Coordination due to presence of gap junctions and conduction pathways Intercalated disks Junctions between adjacent myocardial cells Desmosomes to resist mechanical stress Gap junctions for electrical coupling
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Plasma membrane Intercalated disk Sarcomere Desmosome Plasma membrane Gap junction channels Electrical current (b)
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
External measure of electrical activity of the heart Body = conductor Currents in body can spread to surface (ECG, EMG, EEG) Distance and amplitude of spread depends on size of potentials and synchronicity of potentials from other cells Heart electrical activity—synchronized
P wave: atrial depolarisation QRS complex: ventricular depolarisation and atrial repolarisation T wave: ventricular repolarisation PQ segment: AV nodal delay QT segment: ventricular systole QT interval: ventricular diastole
Phases of the cardiac cycle Atrial and ventricular pressure Aortic pressure Ventricular volume Heart sounds
Two main periods of cardiac cycle Systole Ventricle contraction Diastole Ventricle relaxation
Valves open passively due to pressure gradients AV valves open when Pressure atria > pressure ventricles Semilunar valves open when Pressure ventricles > pressure arteries
Ventricular filling Pressure atria > pressure ventricles AV valves open Passive phase—no atria or ventricular contraction Active phase—atria contract Isovolumetric ventricular contraction Ventricle contracts—increases pressure AV and semilunar valves closed No blood entering or exiting ventricle
Ventricular ejection Pressure ventricles > pressure arteries Semilunar valves open Isovolumetric ventricular relaxation Ventricle relaxes—decreases pressure AV and semilunar valves closed No blood entering or exiting ventricle
Isovolumetric ventricular contraction AV and aortic valves closed Ventricular pressure increases until it exceeds atrial pressure Ventricular ejection Aortic valve opens Blood moves from ventricle to aorta
Isovolumetric ventricular relaxation Ventricle muscle relaxes so that pressure is less than aorta Aortic valve closes Pressure in ventricle continues dropping until it is less than atrial pressure Ventricular filling AV valve opens Blood moves from atria to ventricle Passive until atrium contracts
Aorta (and large arteries)—elastic Pressure reservoir Store energy during systole as walls expand Release energy during diastole as walls recoil inward Maintains blood flow through entire cardiac cycle
EDV = end-diastolic volume, volume of blood in ventricle at the end of diastole ESV = end-systolic volume, volume of blood in ventricle at the end of systole SV = stroke volume, volume of blood ejected from ventricle each cycle. SV = EDV –ESV
Volume of blood ejected by the ventricle each beat Stroke volume = end-diastolic volume – end-systolic volume = 130 mL – 60 mL = 70 mL
Due to turbulent flow when valves close First heart sound Soft lubb AV valves close simultaneously Second heart sound Louder dubb Semilunar valves close simultaneously
ECG = measure of electrical events Electrical events cause mechanical events, so precede mechanical events P wave precedes atrial contraction QRS complex precedes ventricular contraction T wave precedes ventricular relaxation
Volume of blood pumped by each ventricle per minute Cardiac output = CO = SV HR Average CO = 5 litres/min at rest Average blood volume = 5.5 litres
Regulate heart rate and stroke volume Extrinsic and intrinsic regulation Extrinsic—neural and hormonal Intrinsic—autoregulation
SA node intrinsic firing rate = 100/min No extrinsic control on heart, HR = 100 SA node under control of ANS and hormones Rest: parasympathetic dominates, HR = 75 Excitement: sympathetic takes over, HR increases
Primary factors affecting stroke volume Ventricular contractility End-diastolic volume After-load
Ventricles never completely empty of blood More forceful contraction will expel more blood Extrinsic controls of SV Sympathetic drive to ventricular muscle fibres Hormonal control Intrinsic controls of SV Changes in EDV
Sympathetic innervation of contractile cells Increases cardiac contractility Parasympathetic innervation of contractile cells Not significant Hormones Thyroid hormones, insulin, and glucagon increase force of contraction
Increased EDV stretches muscle fibres fibres closer to optimum length Optimum length = greater strength of contraction Result = increased SV
Increase venous return Increase strength of contraction Increase stroke volume
End-diastolic pressure = preload Filling time Atrial pressure Central venous pressure After-load = pressure in aorta during ejection
Structure of heart 4 chambers 4 sets of valves Key blood vessels Blood flow and vessels Systemic and pulmonary circuit Arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins Electrical conduction system and activity ECG waves
Cardiac cycle 4 phases Systole and diastole Pressure differences and consequences Ventricular volume (SV, ESV and EDV) Cardiac output (CO) Regulation of CO Affecting factors