Group 6 : - Yesika Kristina Dea Pradana D Sukianti Merianti Meshiya Caterlee
Background Scope Objective and Benefit Agile Development Definition Agile Development Pros and Cons Agile Development Comparison Conclusion
Nowadays prefer agile development methodology due to its flexibility and adaptability “Agile practices have been developed with the intention to deliver software faster and to ensure that the software meets changing needs of customers. Some people say that agile software development is the “modern” replacement of the waterfall model” - Larman, C. & Basili The problem with traditional plan-driven software development methodologies (e.g. waterfall) are they are too mechanistic to be used in detail.
Identify the use of the agile software development in today’s world Scope Find out values and risks of the agile software development + Comparison between the agile software development methodology and the rapid application development (RAD).
Objective : To identify the definition the agile software development and the way it works To analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the agile software development To identify the steps needed in the agile software development To study the difference between agile and rapid software developments Benefits : To understand the processes of agile software development To understand the possible risks of the implementation of the agile software development To understand the steps or life cycle of the agile software development To understand the difference between agile and rapid software developments
Is a system development strategy which is flexible and highly focus on customer satisfaction Iterative Process Customer Satisfaction Involvement
Agile process requires less planning and divides the small task into small increments. Short term project and with an effort of team work that follows the Software Development Life Cycle phases
Requirement gathering Analysis Design Coding Testing Delivery partially incremented software Feedback from customer
Iterative Modularity Timebox Parsimony Incremental Adaptive Convergent Collaborative People Oriented
Adaptive to the changing environment Ensure customer satisfaction Improving product quality Reduce development risk Predicable cost and schedule Transparency
Customer is the key factor of developing successful software Time consuming and wastage of resouce because of the constant change of requirement Lack of documentation Need very experienced developer
FeaturesAgile MethodRAD Method DefinitionCreate and respond to changing requirements of Software. High-speed adaption of linear equential model. AdaptabilityYesNo Testing PhaseUnit, Integration, System Testing Unit Quality FactorsYesNo Risk Analysis No Failure CauseCodeArchitecture and Design Knowledge RequiredLowHigh Entry and Exit CriteriaNoYes
FeaturesAgile MethodRAD Method Mock UpYesNo ExtendabilityYesNo Project Management Involvement Yes High ReliabilityYesNo Time BoxingYes Status of Development Team Less experienceMore experience Use of Reusable Components NoYes FlexibilityYesNo Customer InvolvementYesNo
Just-in-time design Let the project member involve in everything Have a balance between building the project and the documentation