Males go through an entire hormone cycle in a single 24 hours. guys have 10 times more testosterone than women, so their hormone cycle is all about how their testosterone affects them. A boy's body does make estrogen and progesterone like a woman's body, though in much smaller amounts. His testosterone is highest in the morning when he wakes up and his testosterone gets lower as the day goes on.
Morning: Testosterone is highest Afternoon: Testosterone has declined to the middle of its cycle Evening: Testosterone is lowest Testosterone in men follows a circadian rhythm – highest in the morning, lowest at bedtime, hence men’s propensity for morning erections. This makes it much simpler. So instead of a 1 month cycle, men have a 24 hr cycle.
The pituitary gland in men releases follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in response to low levels of serum testosterone. FSH stimulates the formation of sperm (Sertoli cells), and LH stimulates the formation of testosterone (Interstitial cells). When the testosterone inventories are high enough, the pituitary quiets down and serum concentration gradually decreases until the whole process begins again, sometime in the early hours of the morning the following day. The circadian testosterone cycle has been well studied and verified.
pituitary gland -releases follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in response to low levels of serum testosterone. FSH stimulates the formation of sperm (Sertoli cells) LH stimulates the formation of testosterone (Interstitial cells). When the testosterone inventories are high enough, the pituitary quiets down and serum concentration gradually decreases until the whole process begins again, sometime in the early hours of the morning the following day.
Testis: consists of seminiferous tubules for the production of sperm and intersitial cells which produce male and sex hormones. Two testes are contained in a single sac: sacrotum Epididymis: the coiled tube, one atatched to the testis, is the site for final maturation and storage for the sperm Vas deferens: two tubes transfers sperm from one epididymis to the urethra. Sperm exit the penis through the urethra Seminal vesicles: during ejaculation, these 2 glands secrete into the vas deferens mucus, fructose, and prostaglandins. Prostate gland: secretes a milky alkaline fluid into the urethra and serves to neutralize the acidity of urine that may still be in the urethra, as well as the acidity of the vagina. Bulbourethral glands: 2 gonads secrete a small amount of fluid of unknown function into the urethra Penis: urethra passes through the penis and serves to transport semen (the fluid containing sperm and secretions) into vagina. It also serves in the transport of urine out of the body.
Sperm head: contains the haploid the haploidnucleus with 23 chromosomes (humans). At the tip is the acrosome (a lysosome containing enzymes which are used to penetrate the egg) it originates from Golgi body vesicle that fuse to form a single lysosome Midpiece: opposite the acrosome, the flagellum consisting of the typical 9+2 microtubule array, emerges from the sperm head from one member of a pair of centrioles. The first part of the flagellum, the midpiece, is characterized by mitochondria that spiral around the flagellum and supplyATP for flagellar movement Tail: remainder of flagellum, behind the midpiece. Sperm are propelled by whiplike motion of the tail and midpiece.
Begins at puberty within the seminiferous tubules of the testes. Spermatogonia cells divide by mitosis repeatedly to produce primary spermatocytes, which at the end of meiosis II, become 4 spermatids. Sertoli cells in the seminiferous tubules provide nourishment to the spermatids as they differentiate into mature sperm. Sperm complete their development in the epididymis, where they are stored until needed.