Objective 6.01 part 1: RECOGNIZE architectural features Go to page 153. Draw a sketch of each type of roof style. Leave room for descriptions. 1. Flat Roof 2. Gable Roof 3. Gambrel Roof 4. Hip Roof 5. Mansard Roof 6. Shed Roof 7. Saltbox 8. Butterfly Roof (not in your book)
Flat Roof A flat roof is the most economical to construct, but does not add much to the design They usually have a very slight pitch (slant) to help with drainage More popular in warmer areas where there is no snow fall.
Flat Roof
Gable Roof Very popular Sheds water well They come to a high point in the center and slope on both sides.
Gable Roof
Gambrel Roof Resembles a barn roof Provides a lot of headroom in the attic or second story Comes from the Dutch.
Gambrel Roof
Hip Roof Popular in Georgian Architecture Hip roofs have sloping ends and sides.
Mansard Roof It is a variation of the gambrel roof and sometimes has dormers Has two slopes on all sides, with a steep lower slope and a flat upper slope Very popular in French architecture.
Mansard Roof
Shed Flat roof with a slope in one direction May lean against another wall or a building.
Saltbox House is one story in the back and two stories in the front.
Butterfly Two adjacent gables sloping inward Originally designed to catch rainfall so the water could be used for other purposes.
Group Assignment – DUE TODAY 1.Work in groups of 3 – choose a roof style 2.Using cardstock or construction paper, form the shape of a house – the 4 walls. 3.On the walls of the house write the name of your assigned roof and facts about the roof 4.If you are really creative you can add doors and windows (remember window styles?) 5.Glue or staple the walls together 6.Construct your style of roof 7.Attach the roof to your house 8.Be sure to add your names