Based on last lesson do the following with a partner (A and B): · Name the members of the Triple Alliance (A) · Name the members of the Triple Entente.


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Presentation transcript:

Based on last lesson do the following with a partner (A and B): · Name the members of the Triple Alliance (A) · Name the members of the Triple Entente (B) · Explain a reason why war was likely before 1914 (A) · Explain a reason why war was likely before 1914 (B) ·

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Who would you blame for starting the war? What would you do about Germany’s armed forces? What would you do about Germany’s land? What would you do about Germany’s empire? Who would pay for the war damage? How would you make sure it does not happen again? Reparations= repayments that Germany had to make after (£6.6 billion)

Using p116 and 117 of Peace And War: Write down the key question in each box in turn. E.g Who is to blame for the war? Underneath do a bullet point summary of what the Treaty of Versailles decided. Thinking Plenary: When you have done all 6 boxes think about this question : Q. What 3 clauses would have angered Germany most about the Versailles Treaty?

Why did the Versailles Treaty turn out the way it did? George Clemenceau- France David Lloyd George- Great BritainWoodrow Wilson -USA

The impact of the Treaty of Versailles on the borders of Europe.

Germany’s overseas empire.

Which 3 parts of the Versailles Treaty would anger the German people most and why? I I am most angry about the Treaty of Versailles because…. Adolf Hitler,1918.

The British diplomat Harold Nicolson called it: "neither just (fair) nor wise" and the people who made it: "stupid". Was he right about the Versailles Treaty?