Unit IV World War I Part 5
DO NOW Create 5 questions based on yesterday’s lesson. Migrate around, RAPID FIRE REVIEW AGENDA Wilson’s 14 Points A Flawed Peace PPT The Treaty of Versailles Compare and Contrast
Set of principles proposed by Woodrow Wilson as a basis for ending the war and achieving a just and lasting peace: An end to secret _______. Freedom of the ______. Free ____among all nations. Reduction of _________. Adjustment of borders and creation of new nations based on _______________. treaties seas trade armaments self-determination
Adjustment of colonial claims, taking into account the interests of colonial peoples and rival colonial powers. Evacuation of German troops from Russian territory and opportunity for Russia to determine its own government without outside interference. Evacuation of German troops from Belgium. Evacuation and restoration of French territory, with restoration to France of Alsace-Lorraine. Readjustment of Italy’s borders. Autonomy for the peoples of Austria-Hungary. Guarantees of independence and territorial integrity of the Balkan states. Self-determination for the non-Turkish peoples under Turkish rule. An independent Poland with access to the sea.
Wilson’s 14 th point proposed creating an “association of nations” that would “protect great and small states alike.” Wilson hoped this “League of Nations” would: Peacefully resolve conflicts. Protect nations from aggression Prevent another world war.
What’s the message of this cartoon?
32 nations were represented. Germany and its allies were NOT present. Russia wasn’t invited. Paris Peace Conference (8:00)
David Lloyd George Great Britain Vittorio Orlando Italy George Clemenceau France Woodrow Wilson U.S.
Britain and France not much interested in Wilson’s goal of a “just peace.” Their main goals? Determined to punish Germany for suffering caused by the war. Wanted to strip Germany of its power to make war. George Clemenceau
Harshly punished Germany: Lost all overseas _____________. ______________returned to France. _________ (part of Germany) demilitarized. ___________ to be occupied by French for 15 years. Germany banned from importing or manufacturing _________________. Germany not permitted to have a _____ or an _________. Germany allowed ______________of only 100,000 men. colonies Alsace-Lorraine Rhineland Saar coalfields weapons or war materials navy air force standing army
Germany forced to sign a “war guilt clause” taking sole responsibility for the war. Germany also forced to pay Allies war reparations of $31 billion over 30 years.
German diplomats summoned to Versailles only at the end. British blockade of Germany still in place; without food supplies, Germans close to starvation. Blockade would only be ended if Germany signed the treaty. Allies also threatened to resume war.
June 28, 1919
British had promised Arabs in Iraq, Syria and Palestine their independence for their help in WWI. Instead, the Allies redrew the map of the Middle East and gave France and Britain control over much of it. British given mandate to govern Iraq, Palestine, and Transjordan. French given mandate to govern Syria and Lebanon.
- Prince Fisal of Arabia “We did not overthrow the Turks to be slaves again.”
Purpose: To prevent another war and promote peace among nations. Members: 32 Allied and neutral nations. Germany, other Central Powers, and Russia not permitted to join. US never joins. Why not?
The Treaty of Versailles failed to bring lasting peace. Why? Treaty left German people bitter and resentful. Colonial peoples in Africa and Asia left bitter over continuation of colonial rule. Allies like Japan and Italy left angry because they gained less than expected. League of Nations was left too weak without U.S. participation and support.
Austria-Hungary broken up: What new states were created? _____________________________________ New state of _________ all that remained of Ottoman Empire: British given mandate to govern new Arab states of __________________________. France given mandate to govern ______________. Russia lost territory to ____________ and Romania. These Russian territories became independent states: _____________________________________. Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia Turkey Palestine, Iraq, Transjordan Syria and Lebanon Poland Finland, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania
An entire generation was lost to the war. Between million soldiers died and 21 million others were wounded. 10 million soldiers returned home disfigured or dismembered – and governments were ill-prepared to take care of them. Millions of widows and orphans. Between 7-10 million civilians died.
Germany2,050,897 A-H1,100,000 Ottomans 771,844 Bulgaria 87,500 Total 4,010,241
Russia1,811,000 France1,397,800 British Empire1,114,914 Italy 651,000 Serbia 275,000 Romania 250,00 United States 116,708 Others 99,000 Total 5,711,696
Wounded British Vets
Wounded German Vets
The years following the war would be years of economic depression and violent political conflict. Sense of disillusionment and despair settled over much of Europe. In Germany and Italy, new radical right- wing parties rose to power, successfully undermining new postwar governments. Instead of bringing a lasting peace, the Treaty of Versailles will be a cause of a second, even more terrible, world war.
Western Front trenches today Ghosts of the Past
Battlefield at Verdun Today
Somme Battlefield Today
The beach at Gallipoli Today
Frank Buckles lied about his age and joined the army at the age of 16.
Mr. Buckles died in March, 2011 at the age of 110. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors. CBS Report of Frank Buckles' Death