The Impact of the Industrial Revolution You need your SSdaybook
Urbanization: the growth of cities due to movement of people from rural areas to cities Textile: cloth or fabric Entrepreneur: someone who organizes a business opportunity and assumes the risk for it mass production: rapid production of identical objects Cottage Industry: small-scale industry that can be carried on at home by family members using their own equipment Tenement: poorly constructed apartment houses for factory workers Slums: neighborhood of tenements
Urbanization increased dramatically: increase in population; closure of farms forced people to move to cities Poor families had little choice in housing. Mostly tenements in slums. Many families shared cramped aprt. that lacked running water or sanitation Hard labor and disease led to short life expectancies for urban workers Make sure you have this copied in your SS notes daybook.`
Working Conditions and Wages
The factory system was a major change for European workers: work became less skilled conditions were dirty, dangerous, and unhealthy worked long hours (12-16 hr day) not paid well; Women & children were paid less than men Owners required workers “clock in” & limited their breaks to increase production
Factory Wages in Lancashire, 1830 Age of Worker Male Wages Female Wages under 11 2s 3d. 2s. 4d s. 1d. 4s. 3d s. 2d. 7s. 3d s. 2d. 8s. 5d s. 4d. 8s. 7d s. 8d. 8s. 9d s. 7d. 9s. 8d s. 3d. 9s. 3d s. 7d. 8s. 10d s. 4d. 8s. 4d s. 6d. 6s. 4d.
Choosing a place to live: 1.Read through the options and choose 1 of the 3 tenement apartments. 2.Explain what special conditions you are facing as a farmer that is now living in the city with a family. Think about what you need to deal with while in the city. For example: Why is it that the husband must rent the apartment? What does that tell you about women’s rights? 3.Explain why the apartment you chose was the better of the 3 really bad options. What were you willing to give up (ie privacy, space, light, etc) and what did you see as a benefit to the apartment you chose (ie: window, child care, privacy etc) 4.Put your name on it, highlight your name and turn it into the box. Put the photocopy on the table.
Changing Class Structure During the Industrial Revolution, the social class system changed as ownership of land stopped being the most important factor: At the top were the industrial capitalists who gained wealth by owning factories The middle class grew because of growth of engineers, managers, shopkeepers The bottom class grew because of the size of the urban poor who worked for low wages in factories
Conditions in the Coal Mines
Conditions in Coal Mines Don’t need to copy The invention of the steam engine increased demand for coal: Coal production grew from 5 million tons in 1750 to 23 million tons in 1830 Men, women, children were used in mines Mines were unhealthy & dangerous: Lung disease, poison gas, drowning, explosions cave-ins were common for workers
Child Labor
The Industrial Revolution changed the lives of many children: Rather than working for their parents on family farms, many children in the cities worked in factories, brickyards, or mines Living in cities was expensive so poor families needed their kids to work Child workers earned 10% of an adult wage, worked long hours in dangerous conditions, were often beaten
Changing Role of Women
The Industrial Revolution changed the lives of many women: Rather than working on family farms & taking care of children, poor women worked in city factories Factory jobs for women required long hours away from their children and could leave women crippled, sick, or deformed Women were paid ½ or ⅓ of a man’s salary
Changing Class Structure
Peoples response to the abuses of the Ind. Rev. 1. Some demanded reforms to fix problems caused by the Industrial Revolution 2. In the mid-1800s, Britain & the U.S. passed child & women labor laws that limited hours & type of work they could perform 3.Reformers regulated water, food, sewage; Offered public education; Regulated living & work conditions
4. Workers joined unions & demand better pay, fewer hours, safer work conditions 5.When union demands were not met, workers went on strike (stopped working)
How did people respond to the changes & abuses of the Industrial Revolution? The economy of the Industrial Revolution was based on capitalism As Adam Smith explained, businesses operated in a free market economy based on competition, profits, supply & demand Governments applied laissez-faire principles & avoided heavy taxes, regulations, or interference in business
How did people respond to the changes & abuses of the Industrial Revolution? Some believed that was the reasons for the growing gap between the rich and poor…
How did people respond to the changes & abuses of the Industrial Revolution? …and rejected capitalism in favor of socialism Socialists argued that the government should plan the economy by controlling factories, farms, railroads, mines, & important industries This would create equality & end poverty by redistributing wealth from rich capitalists to the poor workers
Capitalism vs. Socialism
How did people respond to the changes & abuses of the Industrial Revolution? Karl Marx introduced a radical form of socialism called communism Marx & Friedrich Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto which predicted a war between the “haves” & “have nots” Marx encouraged workers to overthrow owners, seize control of factories, distribute goods evenly, & create economic equality for all people
Stereotype of the Factory Owner
“Upstairs”/“Downstairs” Life
Evidence of Textile Workers in Wilson's Mill, Nottingham Mrs. Smith: "I have three children working in Wilson's mill; one 11, one 13, and the other 14. They work regular hours there. We don't complain. If they go to drop the hours, I don't know what poor people will do. We have hard work to live as it is....My husband is of the same mind about it...last summer my husband was 6 weeks ill; we pledged almost all our things to live; the things are not all out of pawn yet....We complain of nothing but short wages...My children have been in the mill three years. I have no complaint to make of their being beaten...I would rather they were beaten than fined." Hannah Goode: "I work at Mr. Wilson's mill. I think the youngest child is about 7. I daresay there are 20 under 9 years. It is about half past five by our clock at home when we go in....We come out at seven by the mill. We never stop to take our meals, except at dinner. William Crookes is overlooker in our room. He is cross- tempered sometimes. He does not beat me; he beats the little children if they do not do their work right....I have sometimes seen the little children drop asleep or so, but not lately. If they are catched asleep they get the strap. They are always very tired at night....I can read a little; I can't write. I used to go to school before I went to the mill; I have since I am sixteen."