Lesson Objectives ◦ Students will be able to ◦ successfully develop 5 slides on PowerPoint. ◦ identify that a plant needs water, sunlight and soil to grow. ◦ identify the following stages of the plant life cycle; seed, plant, flower, fruit. ◦ use at least one clip art image in their presentation. ◦ present their PowerPoint to the class.
Lesson Standards ◦ Grade Level Content Expectation: ◦ L.OL Identify the needs of plants. ◦ L.OL Describe the life cycle of familiar flowering plants including the following stages: seed, plant, flower, and fruit. ◦ Common Core: ◦ 2.W.7 Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to produce a report; record science observations).
Materials Needed ◦ 30 student computers with PowerPoint installed ◦ 1 teacher computer with PowerPoint connected to a document camera or smartboard ◦ Student Venn Diagrams comparing a bean plant to a flower ◦ Student "observation booklet" ◦ Graphic Organizers on the following books/movie ◦ From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons ◦ The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle ◦ The Magic School Bus: Goes to Seed ◦ From Seed to Pumpkin by Wendy Pfeffer ◦ Plants Grow From Seeds.. by Rachel Mann ◦ Headphones available, if needed.
Background Knowledge ◦ Students have read From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons and The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle online. ◦ Students will watch, The Magic School Bus: Goes to Seed. ◦ Students planted a bean plant in small groups and have made observations in an "observation booklet". ◦ Students developed a Venn Diagram to compare a bean plant to a developing flower.
Procedure ◦ I will review what a plant needs to grow and the plant life cycle. We will refer back to our observation booklet, graphic organizers and Venn diagram. (10 minutes) ◦ I will show a previous student's PowerPoint presentation that describes an animal life cycle so students have a better understanding what is expected from them. (2 minutes) ◦ I will once again model how to add a slide and clip art to the presentation. (2 minutes) ◦ I will review the rubric with the class and answer any questions. (5 minutes) ◦ I will explain to the class that they must have a title slide with their name & mine, and 4 other slides describing the needs of plants and the life cycle. I will reiterate that they must include one clip art to receive full credit. They will be able to use all the materials listed. (5 minutes)
Assignment ◦ Students will work on PowerPoint in the computer lab. (30 minutes) ◦ Once finished, I will save each student's work to my teacher share drive so they can present their PowerPoint in class. (saving or printing their project is not an objective) (5 minutes)
Assessments ◦ Formal evidence ◦ Students will be assessed by using the attached rubric. ◦ Informal evidence ◦ I will monitor students progress by moving around the computer lab and checking for understanding. I will also make sure they are using the tools (books, graphic organizer, observation booklet, Venn diagram) properly to record accurate information. ◦ Homework ◦ Students will be able to access their PowerPoint at home through my classroom website. They will be asked to share with their family members and return a signed sheet confirming the presentation.
Accommodations ◦ Students with IEP's will receive additional time with their special education teacher or with their cross-curricular grade levels (5th Grade Book Buddies). ◦ Students below grade level will work with a student above grade level if they need help. ◦ Students working above grade level will be encouraged to add additional information on slides and/or clip art. ◦ Hearing impaired students will use the headphones available in the computer lab and I will be using a microphone while speaking. ◦ ELL students will work with a peer, if needed. ◦ Visually impaired students will be able to use larger font, if needed.
Bibliography ◦ ◦ ◦