Department of Transportation Road Services Division Snow and Ice Response
What we used to do Three years ago Road Services could plow and sand 30% of the road system 2
Due to reduced resources, Road Services will only be able to plow and sand about 10% of its roads in a county-wide event 3 What we will do in
4 Snow Routes: 2010
5 Snow Routes: Primary snow routes
6 What are we doing? Installing AVL/GPS in vehicles for more efficient dispatching Working with labor to identify short term assistance (adding 2-5% more miles) Focusing on critical routes for public safety Developing messages and a communications plan for the public
7 Why can’t we do more? Can communities help themselves?
Working with Metro Transit on priority routes Asking cities to help with shared roadways & gaps Sharing changes with public safety, schools, cities Coordinating with Emergency Management 8 What about our partners?
Public Campaign Raise public awareness, engagement Roll-out message that service levels will be different this winter Encourage communities to plan 9
10 More information for residents Website update: – FAQs, maps, checklists, links Community outreach: – Notices, fact sheets, in- person connections 10