Signalling The interchange of information between the different functional parts of a telecomm network
There are three distinct types of signalling: 1.Between customer and exchange 2. Within an exchange 3.Inter-exchange
There are three distinct types of signalling: LX Trunk Local Loop Calling Party Called Party Off Hook Digits Ring back Tone Call Progress Seize Start Digits Call Progress Supervision Ring Off Hook
Functions of Inter-Exchange Signalling Supervisory functions Selection functions Operational functions
Channel Associated Signalling Signalling is carried, associated with each channel. For each channel Bits are reserved in channel 16 for signalling status. Speech Channels 1-15 Speech Channels For Frame Synchronization For Signalling
Channel Associated Signalling Limitations of Channel-Associated Signalling Slow Inflexibility Limited Capability Closed Growth path
C7 Signalling A worldwide standard for inter-exchange signalling. The average call setup time for a toll call is 3 to 7 seconds, compared to 11 to 15 seconds before. Optimum use of trunk lines. It uses labeled messages which cab be sent on a signalling path separate from that used by the speech and data. Each signalling path conveys signalling information about many speech/data channels. A C7 Signalling link can handle several thousand calls. Long distance bandwidth is conserved since signalling is out of band and signalling for several trunks can be multiplexed on a single signalling channel.
C7 Signalling Additional user services can be offered with CCS, such as closed user groups (CUGs), credit card verification, and calling party identification. C7 is modular in structure Hence it is flexible and may serve different user sources i.e. it is a multi-user system. For example, C7 can be used to handle signalling for Telephony or ISDN users. The modular structure of C7 allows it to meet not only present, But future needs too. As C7 is an open system, it offers administrations the opportunity to adapt and expand their network according to their needs.
Characteristics of C7 Fast 3 to 7 seconds, compared to 11 to 15 seconds High Capacity Can handle several thousand calls Modular Can serve different user sources Flexible Labeled messages for speech and data Economical Optimum use of trunk lines less EQP
Network Structure Signalling Point Nodes in the C7 Signalling network are referred to as Signalling Points (SPs). Signalling Link (SL). A signalling path between two adjacent Signalling Points (SPs) is called a Signalling Link. Link Set (LS). A number of Signalling Links between two SPs are together referred to as a Link Set.
Network Structure Originating Point (Op) The SP from where the signalling message is generated is called Originating Point. Destination Point (DP) The SP for which the signalling message is generated is called Destination Point. Signalling Transfer Point A Signalling Transfer Point (STP) is an SP through which messages are routed without being processed.
Signalling Point Codes Every Signalling Point is identified by a unique Point Code to enable the system to route a message efficiently. This is done by specifying the: Originating Point Code (OPC) Destination Point Code (DPC) The OPC and DPC are contained in a part of the C7 labeled message called the Routing Label.
Structure of a C7 Node The C7 node was originally designed: as a 4-level structure, and to support Circuit-Related applications The modern C7 node is based on the 7-layer OSI model Can be used for non circuit-related applications
A C7 nodes consists of three parts User Part Message Transfer Part Application Part User Part Application Part Messages Signalling Link Message Transfer Part
It acts as a common message transfer system for the different applications and user parts in the node. Basically, the MTP is responsible for the reliable transfer of signalling messages between users. Messages from different users are packed into a standard format by the MTP and are transported over the network in this format.
User Parts User Parts are level 4 parts of the node and are concerned with circuit-related applications e.g. The Telephone User Part (TUP). The ISDN User Part (ISUP)
Application Parts Later additions to the node which were developed in line with the OSI model. Some of these parts are concerned with non circuit-related applications such as network operation and maintenance.
Some More Additions to C7 SCCP ( Signaling Connection Control Part ) ISP ( Intermidate services Part ) TCAP ( Transaction Capability Part ) With the addition of these C7 becomes OSI compatible. ISP & TCAP provide layers 4-7.
Structure of C7 Node Message Transfer Part ( Level 1-3 ) SCCP TUP Level 4 TCAP OMAPMAP ISP ISUP Level 4
Message Transfer Part MTP Serves as a transport system for the reliable transfer of messages. The MTP ensure that: –No errors are introduced into the signalling units –The SUs are sent in correct sequence –A SU is sent only once –SUs are sent in the correct direction –All SPs within the signalling network are informed of any changes in the signalling network e.g. link failure.
Types of SUs 1) Message Signal Units (MSUs) 2) Link Status Signal Units (LSSUs) 3) Fill In Signal Units (FISUs)
Message Signal Units (MSUs) These are received from the User Parts and the Network management functions. They contain information relating to the control of calls or the signalling network.
Structure of MSU F=Flag.BSN=Backward Sequence No. BIB=Backward Indicator BitFSN=Forward Sequence No FI B =Forward Indicator Bit L1=Length Indicator SIO=Service Info. Octet.SIF=Signalling Info.Field CKCK =Check bits MSU FCKSIFSIOLIF I B FSNB I B BSNF 8168n, n>
Structure of MSU Length Indicator LI is used: To distinguish between SU types and In MSU to indicate the size of SIF If L = 0 SU is a FISU L = 1 or 2 SU is a LSSU L > 2SU is a MSU and the size of Data filed Flag = BIB and FIB bits are toggled to Indicate: A faulty SURetransmission of SU
Service Information Octet (SIO) SIO SISSF SI = Service Indicator TUP, ISUP SSF = Sub-Service Field The SSF contains the Network Indicator (N1) bit. This is used to discriminate between, national and international signalling networks, two national signalling networks different level 4 parts
Link Status Signal Units (LSSUs) These are sent from level 2 of the MTP. They indicate a change in the status of the signalling link e.g. change from the status ‘Available” to the status “Blocked’ There are 6 different status indications: Out of Service (OS) Processor Outage (PO) Busy(B) Normal Alignment (N) Emergency alignment (E) Out of Alignment (O) LSSU FCKSFLI F I B FSN B I B BSN 8168 OR F
Fill In Signal Units (FISUs) These are from level2 of the MTP. Sent when no other message is being sent on the signalling link. They are also sent to acknowledge MSUs when no other MSUs are being sent. FCKLI F I B FSN B I B BSNF
MTP Functional Levels Level 1: Signalling Data Link functions (SDL) Level 2: Signalling Link functions(SL) Level 3: Signalling Network functions
Level 1: Signalling Data Link functions (SDL) Level 1 defines the characteristics of : The Signalling Data Link and the means to access it, i.e. the transmission path. An example of a digital Signalling Data Link would be a 64 kbit/s transmission channel and semi- permanent connection through an electronic switch. Level 1 consists of:.Transmission Channels on the SL.Switching Functions to Access SL
Level 2: Signalling Link functions(SL) Level 2 Functions are: Signal Unit Delimitation Link Alignment Error Detection Error Correction
Level 2: Signalling Link functions(SL) Signal Unit Delimitation: The Flag is used for Signal Unit Delimitation. The bit pattern of the flag is Flags are inserted at the beginning and end of a Signal Unit. Bit Stuffing (to prevent the flag sequence being imitated ) A ‘0’ is inserted after every five consecutive ‘1S’
Level 2: Signalling Link functions(SL) Link Alignment Alignment is a level 2 function which occurs when A link : -Is first brought into service -Which has been out of service is brought back into service. The link may be aligned under ‘Normal’ or ‘Emergency’ procedures. The Signalling Link Management function of level 3 decides whether Normal or Emergency alignment is required, depending on whether the Link is required urgently or not.
Level 2: Signalling Link functions(SL) Link Alignment The following LSSU types are sent during Initial Alignment: -The Status Indicator Out of Service (SIOS) This is sent on a Link after initial power up of the link The Status Indicator Out of alignment (SIO) This is sent at the beginning of alignment to start the alignment procedure. Status Indicators Normal (SIN) This is sent for a period of 8 seconds during normal alignment. The Status Indicator Emergency alignment (SIE) This is sent during emergency alignments for a 0.5 second proving period The error rate of the SINs and SIEs is checked by: -Examining the CK bits -Incrementing the alignment error rate monitor if an error is detected
Level 2: Signalling Link functions(SL) Error Detection The Error Detection function of Level 2 is used to detect errors in SUs. The CK field is used in the Error Detection function. It contains 16 checksum bits. These CK bits are generated in Level 2. The CK bits are assigned a value on the basis of the preceding bits of an SU. The SU is then sent on the SL. At the receiving Signalling Point (SP), the CK bits are compared with the preceding bits of the SU. If they correspond, the SU is considered to be error free. If SU is not error free the SU will be discarded and the SUERM Unit Error Rate Monitor incremented.
Level 2: Signalling Link functions(SL) Error Correction The Signal Units are retransmitted. One method used is the Basic Error Correction method. All SUs that are transmitted are stored in a buffer, in the sending SP, until they are acknowledged. The Backward Sequence Number (BSN) is used for error correction. For non-satellite links
Level 3 Functions The functions of Level 3 are divided into two main categories: 1. Message Handling functions 1. Message Routing 2.Message Discrimination 3.Message Distribution 2. Network Management functions Signalling Traffic Management (STM) Signalling Route Management (SRM) Signalling Link Management (SLM)
Message Handling functions The Message Handling functions manage the messages, which come from or are sent on the Signalling Link. These messages may have been generated by the: User Parts (UP) Level 4 SCCP and Application Parts or Network Management functions (also in Level 3 ) The Message Handling functions involve: 1. Message Discrimination 2. Message Routing 3.Message Distribution
Message Handling functions 1. Message Discrimination Discriminates between incoming SUs which are for this Signalling Point and those destined for another Signalling Point, The parts used in Discrimination are: The Network Indicator (NI) in SIO The Destination Point Code (DPC) in the Routing Label. The Network Indicator (NI) is a 2/bit code found in the SIO. The Network Indicator (NI) is used to distinguish between: -National and International networks -Two different National Signalling networks
Message Handling functions 2. Message Routing It involves directing the messages to the correct SL. In User Message the DPC and SLS contain the information required for the Routing function. In Management Messages the DPC and SLC contain the information required for the Routing.
Message Handling functions 3. Message Distribution Directs incoming Signal Units (SUs) to the correct destination, i.e. User Parts, SCCP or The Network Management functions (Level 3). The Service Indicator (SI) in the SIO field indicates to which destination the message will be sent.
Message Handling functions User Parts DistributionDiscrimination Routing Signalling Link
The Network Management functions Signalling Traffic Management (STM) Changeover Change back Forced rerouting Controlled rerouting. Signalling Route Management (SRM) Signalling Link Management (SLM) Activation Restoration Deactivation
The Network Management functions Signalling Traffic Management (STM) Signalling Traffic Management (STM) is responsible for Diversion and Reduction of Traffic. There are four procedures which enable the MTP to carry out the (STM) functions: -Changeover -Changeback -Foced rerouting -Controlled rerouting.
The Network Management functions Signalling Traffic Management (STM) 1. Changeover Traffic diversion to an alternative link is implemented by the Changeover procedure. Stopping the transmission on the faulty link. Retransmission of buffers in both sides. Changeover is a handshaking procedure which ensures that: No SUs are lost No SUs are duplicated The Sus sequence is maintained This is done by exchanging Changeover Order (COO) and Changeover Acknowledgement (COA) SUs.
The Network Management functions Signalling Traffic Management (STM) 2. Change back Procedure When the normal link becomes available again, the Change-back procedure is initiated. The change-back Procedure is as follows: (SP) A prevents the traffic from being transmitted to via the alternative link. Signalling Point (SP) A send a Change-back Declaration (CBD). Signalling Point (SP) B replies with a Change-back Acknowledge (CBA). Traffic then resumes on the normal link.
The Network Management functions Signalling Traffic Management (STM) Forced Rerouting When a signalling route to a particular Signalling Point (S) is indicated as unavailable, Forced Rerouting is carried out by the Signalling Traffic Management (STM) functions. Controlled Rerouting Controlled Rerouting is used when: Traffic is to be directed from an alternative Signalling Route back to the normal Signalling Route, which has become available. A Transfer Restricted (TFR) SU is received, indicating congestion on a Signalling Route.
The Network Management functions Signalling Traffic Management (STM) Rerouting Procedure. A similar procedure is used in both cases. In a route restriction case (where traffic is restricted on a route due to congestion), traffic is transferred from the restricted route to an alternative route using a Controlled rerouting Buffer, e.g. -Traffic is stopped on the restricted route -MSUs are stored in the Rerouting Buffer -An alternative route is selected -Traffic resumes on the alternative route Flow Control ( If No alternative is available )
Signalling Link Management The Signalling Link Management (SLM) function is used to control the Signalling Link. There are three basic Signalling Link Management procedures: -Activation -Restoration -Deactivation
Signalling Link Management Activation - The process of bringing a SL into service. Link Restoration In case of SL failure, a Link Restoration procedure is defined to restore the faulty SL. During restoration the following takes place: (1)Initial Alignment (2)Signalling Link Test
Signalling Link Management Link Deactivation A link in service can be taken out of service. For example a link will be taken out of service when it is required for another signalling route. This procedure is called Deactivation. Link Deactivation will only take place if there is no traffic on the Signalling Link (SL). The Signalling Terminal of the deactivated Signalling Link will also be taken out of service.
Signalling Route Management The Signalling Route Management (SRM) function communicates to every SP, information regarding signalling route availability / unavailability A signalling route between two SPs may be: Available i.e. all SLs on that route are available Unavailable i.e all SLs on that route ae unavailable In restricted service i.e.some Sls on the route are available and some are not The procedures used to communicate these states are: -transfer-allowed for available state -transfer-prohibited for unavailable state -transfer-restricted for restricted service A fourth procedure is defined to check if any changes have occurred in the route status. This procedure is called signalling-route-set-test procedure.
MTP Summary Types of SUs: 1) Message Signal Units (MSUs) 2) Link Status Signal Units (LSSUs) 3) Fill In Signal Units (FISUs)
MTP Summary MTP Functional Levels The operations of the MTP are subdivided into three functional levels. Level 1: Signalling Data Link functions (SDL).Transmission Channels.Switching Functions Level 2: Signalling Link functions(SL).Signal Unit Delimitation.Link Alignment.Link Detection.Error Correction Level 1 and 2 together ensure that: -errors are not introduced in the Signal Units (SUs) -Sus are sent in the correct sequence -Sus are sent only once
MTP Summary Level 3: Signalling Network functions 1.Signalling Message Handling functions: Discrimination Distribution Routing 2.Signalling Network Management functions: Signalling Traffic Management (STM) Changeover Changeback Foced rerouting Controlled rerouting. Signalling Route Management (SRM) Signalling Link Management (SLM) Activation Restoration Deactivation
Telephone User Part The TUP is that part of the C7 in the telephone exchange which controls the setting up, supervision and release of calls. The TUP is a C7 level 4 function. It defines the functions and procedures for the control of telephone calls and circuits. The functions in the TUP are equivalent to those in layers 4 to 7 of the OSI model. A TUP can generate about 250 messages. 60 are defined.
Telephone User Part TUP Messages The part of the MSU in which the TUP Message is stored is SIF. In the C7 TUP there are 9 groups of messages. Call set-up phase5 groups Call Supervision phase1 group Circuit maintenance and supervision2 groups Node to node communication1 group
Signalling Information Field (SIF) SIF Label Destination Point Code (DPC) Originating Point Code (OPC) Signalling Link Selection (SLS) In case of TUP Messages Signalling Link Code (SLC) In case of MTP message Circuit Identification Code (CIC) Heading CodeData DPCOPCCICSLC / SLSH0H
Telephone User Part There are 9 message groups. AbbreviationMessage GroupH0 Value FAM FSM BSM SBM UBM CSM CCM GRM NNM Forward Address Message Forward set-up Message Backward set-up Message Successful Backward set-up Message Unsuccessful Backward set-up Message Call Supervision Message Circuit Supervision Message Circuit Group Supervision Message Node to Node Message H1 on the other hand indicates the message within group. Heading Code H0H1 H0, It indicates the message group to which the message belongs. H1, It indicates the message within that group.
Telephone User Part Description of Message Groups Call Set-UpFAM, FSM, BSM, SBM, UBM Call SupervisionCSM Circuit Supervision and MaintenanceCCM, GRM Node to NodeNNM
ISDN User Part (ISUP) ISUP provides the signalling functions required to support the range of services offered by the ISDN The ISUP supports both circuit-related and non circuit-related signalling. It contain both the functions of ISUP and TUP. ISUP corresponds to OSI layers 4-7. The ISUP supports the 3 classes of ISDN services: 1.Bearer Services 2.Tele-services 3.Supplementary Services
ISDN User Part (ISUP) ISUP is capable of generating 256 different messages. So far, CCITT have specified 42 in blue book ( Q 762 ). In Q 767 recommendation, a subset of these messages have been defined for international applications. There are 8 ISUP message group. 1. Forward set-up2. General set-up 3. Backward set-up4. Call supervision 5. Circuit supervision6. Circuit group supervision 7. In call modification8. End to End
ISDN User Part (ISUP) ---SIF--- ISUP Message Information elements Message TypeLabel The signalling Information Field is the part of the MSU signal unit which carries the information generated by ISUP
SIGNALLING CONNECTION CONTROL PART (SCCP) SCCP provides for the transfer of Circuit-Related and Non Circuit-Related signalling information.While avoiding the need for major changes to the MTP itself. Before the development of SCCP, the sending of signalling data through the network required the setting up of a physical connection. Two network services supported by SCCP: 1)Connectionless 2)Connection Oriented
SIGNALLING CONNECTION CONTROL PART (SCCP) Connection-Oriented Services 3 Phases: 1.Establish Connection 2.Data Transfer 3.Release Connection Characteristics: -Two - way exchange of information -Data sent in sequence -Received data is acknowledged -Temporary or Permanent -Reliability -Transfer of large amounts of data -Reset and Notice Services
SIGNALLING CONNECTION CONTROL PART (SCCP) Connectionless Services -Flow of information is one way -Both routing information and data -No connection is established -Each piece of data is routed independently -Send and pray -Small amounts of time critical data
SIGNALLING CONNECTION CONTROL PART (SCCP) Layer 3 Functions The layer 3 OSI functions provided by the SCCP are: 1.Routing This function routes all incoming and outgoing messages to their appropriate destinations. SCCP recognize address formats other than the 14- bit Signalling Point of the MTP. 2.Transaction The upper layers generate extended and detailed signalling addresses called Global Titles(GT).The SCCP translates the Global Titles into network addresses which can be used by the MTP to transfer the message through the network. The network addresses used by the MTP are: -Signalling Point Codes -Subsystem Numbers (SCCP User Identities)
SIGNALLING CONNECTION CONTROL PART (SCCP) Layer 3 Functions 3.Management The function of the SCCP Management is to provide procedures to maintain network performance by rerouting traffic in the event of failure or congestion of the network. SCCP Management are of 2 types: -Management of the Signalling Points (SPPs) -Management of the Subsystem (SSNs) SIF (SCCP) Optional part Mandatory variable part Mandatory Fix part Message TypeLabel
Transaction Capabilities (TC) The CCITT Blue Book has defined that: “The overall objective of TC is to provide the means for the transfer of information between nodes..… And to provide generic services to applications, while being independent of any of these.” The introduction of TC has allowed: application dependent functioning and protocols to reside in theTC-Users (e.g. MAP, OMAP). functions and protocols common to all applications to reside in TC.
Transaction Capabilities (TC) The CCITT Blue Book has defined that: The Scope of TC Transaction Capabilities (TC) are implemented by: the Transaction Capabilities Part (TCAP) in layer 7 and the Intermediate Services Part (ISP), which provides the services of OSI layers 4,5, & 6.
Transaction Capabilities (TC) Connectionless Services For applications which require a Connectionless service the ISP is not needed and the TCAP interfaces directly with the SCCP. Connection-Oriented Services For a Connection-Oriented service the TCAP requires the services of the ISP.
Transaction Capabilities (TC) Applications which use TC can be classified into two broad categories: 1) Real-Time Sensitive For example, checking subscriber location in the mobile network. 2) Less Real-Time Sensitive For example, downloading customer billing information. The following applications are recognized by TC-Users: Mobile radio applications (E.g. location registration) Registration, activation and invocation of supplementrary services Access to specialized nodes Operation and maintenance applications (e.g. bulk data transfer)
O S I and C7 A Protocol is a set of rules governing the exchange to data between a layer in one system and a similar (peer) layer in another system. In OSI (Open System Interconnection) terms Protocols govern the exchange of data between peers. The development of an Open System is facilitated by the use of common, clear and standard rules for communication (protocols)
O S I and C7 OSI has defined seven layers. These layers fall into two groups: Layers 1-3: Define the functions for transfer of informtion through the network. Layers 4-7: Ddefine the functions related to end-to-end communication
Seven OSI layers: Layer 1 (Physical) Concerned with the transmission and reception of bits across telecommunication link. Changes in the media are catered for this level. Layer 2 (Data Link) Reliable transfer of data: error detection and correction, retransmission and flow control Layer 3 (Network) Establishment, maintenance and release of connections between systems, addressing and routing. Layer 4 (Transport) Isolates the layers above so that they are not affected by the characteristics of the network. Provides two-way, reliable and cost effective exchange of data between end points. This may involve the blocking or de-blocking of data streams. Also flow control and sequencing.
Seven OSI layers: Layer 5 (Session) Provides means of communications between applications. Establishes, manages, and terminates end-to end connections (called sessions) between applications. Layer 6 (Presentation) Transforms the data into the correct code format or syntax the particular application. e.g. ASCII code is a standard format. Encryption and decryption can also be included in this layer, if security and confidentially are required. Layer 7 (Application) Provides service support to the end users. It effects the data exchange between two end users. It also provides System Management and takes care of such things as Passwords and Logons.
Seven OSI layers: Layer Enveloping As data is transferred from layer to layer, each layer add its own Protocol Control Information and then passes the data on to the next layer. OSI is concerned with defining the Interfaces between layers rather then the implementation of the layers themselves. The well defined structure gives OSI a modularity which means that a functional change in one layer will not affect functions in another.
OSI Primitives Primitives are used for communication between layers. A layer communicates with its adjacent layers using Primitives. A primitive is a command or the respective response associated with the services requested of a layer by another layer. Each layer has its own set of primitives. The syntax of a Primitive is: Layer Identifier Generic Name Specific Name Paramter Layer providing the service of the service being requested e.g. connects, Data, Disconnect direction and function: 1.Request 2.Indication 3.Confirm 4.Response Elements of information which are transferred between layers e.g. Called and Calling Party, User Data