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ACC 401 MASTER COURSE TUTORIAL ACC 401 Entire Course ACC 401 Week 1 Assignment Chapter 2 Problems 32, 33 & 38 (UOP) ACC 401 Week 1 Assignment Chapter 2 Problems 32, 33 & 38 ACC 401 Week 1 Quiz ACC 401 Week 1 Quiz Set 2 ACC 401 Week 1 DQ 1 Basic Concepts ACC 401 Week 1 DQ 2 Gross Income ACC 401 Week 2 Assignment Chapter 4 problem 53 and problem 55 ACC 401 Week 2 DQ 1 Adjusted Gross Income ACC 401 Week 2 DQ 2 Itemized Deductions ACC 401 Week 2 Quiz ACC 401 Week 3 Assignment Chapter 6 ACC 401 Week 3 DQ 1 Self-Employed Business Income & Capital Gains ACC 401 Week 3 DQ 2 Rental Property & Royalties ACC 401 Week 3 Quiz ACC 401 Week 4 Assignment Chapter 9, Problem 42 problem 49 ACC 401 Week 4 DQ 1 Tax Credits and Payroll Taxes ACC 401 Week 4 DQ 2 Payroll Taxes and Retirement Plans ACC 401 Week 5 Final Paper Assignment ACC 401 Week 5 DQ 1 Partnership Taxation ACC 401 Week 5 DQ 2 Corporate taxation 32) List the five types of filing status and briefly explain the requirements for the use of each one. 33) In which of the following cases may the taxpayer claim head of household filing status? a. The taxpayer is single and maintains a household which is the principal place of abode of her infant son. b. The taxpayer is single and maintains a household for herself and maintains a separate household which is the principal place of abode of her dependent widowed mother. c. The taxpayer is married from January to October and lived with his spouse from January to May. From June 1 to December 31, the taxpayer maintained a household that was the principal place of abode of his married son and daughter-in-law whom the taxpayer can claim as dependents. Same as (c) except the taxpayer lived with his ex-spouse until August and maintained the household for his married son and daughter-in-law from September 1 to the end of the year 38) Julio and Martina are engaged and are planning to travel to Las Vegas during the 2009 Christmas season and get married around the end of the year. In 2009, Julio expects to earn $45,000 and Martina expects to earn $15,000. Their employers have deducted the appropriate amount of withholding from their paychecks throughout the year. Neither Julio nor Martina has any itemized deductions. They are trying to decide whether they should get married on December 31, 2009 or on January 1, 2010. What do you recommend? Explain your answer (disregard the making work pay credit). Chapter 3: Problems 35, 36, & 42 35) Determine the amount of taxable income that should be reported by a cash-basis taxpayer in 2009 in each of the following independent cases. A taxpayer completes $500 of accounting services in December 2009 for a client who pays for the accounting work in January 2010. A taxpayer is in the business of renting computers on a short- term basis. On December 1, 2009, she rents a computer for a $200 rental fee and receives a $500 deposit. The customer returns the computer and is refunded the deposit on December 20, 2009. Same facts as (b) except that the computer is returned on January 5, 2010. On December 18, 2009, a landlord rents an apartment for $700 per month and collects the first and last month’s rent up front. It is customary that tenants apply the deposit to their last month’s rent upon moving out. An accountant agrees to perform $500 of tax services for an auto mechanic who has agreed to perform repairs on the car of the wife of the accountant. The mechanic repairs the car in December 2009 and the accountant starts and completes the tax work in March 2010. 36. A taxpayer who purchases a Series EE U.S. Savings Bond must report the interest income (i.e., increase in value) on the bond on the date the bond is redeemed or the taxpayer can elect to report the interest currently in income. Under what circumstances should a taxpayer report income at maturity? Under what circumstances is it more advantageous to report income currently? 42. Sean, who is single, received social security benefits of $8,000, dividend income of $13,000, and interest income of $2,000. Except as noted, those income items are reasonably consistent from year to year. At the end of 2009, Sean is considering selling stock which would result in an immediate gain of $10,000, a reduction in future dividends of $1,000, and an increase in future interest income of $1,500. He has asked you for advice. What course of action do you recommend
ACC 401 MASTER COURSE TUTORIAL ACC 401 Week 1 DQ 1 Basic Concepts ACC 401 Week 1 DQ 2 Gross Income From Chapter 1, complete discussion questions 6, 9, & 10. From Chapter 2, complete discussion questions 3, 6, 9, & 10. Review Appendix E (2014 IRS Tax Forms) to see where dependents are shown on the tax return. Remember to complete all parts of the problems and report the results of your analysis. Do not forget to show the necessary steps and explain how you attained that outcome. From Chapter 3, answer discussion questions 1, 2, 3, 10, 12, & 15. Remember to complete all parts of the problems and report the results of your analysis. Do not forget to show the necessary steps and explain how you attained that outcome.
ACC 401 MASTER COURSE TUTORIAL ACC 401 Week 1 Quiz (UOP) ACC 401 Week 1 Quiz Set 2 ACC 401 Week 1 Quiz 1. Question : What is the amount of the social security wage limitation for 2014? 2. Question : With respect to the income tax formula, which of the following statements is 3. Question : To be a qualifying child, the taxpayermust meet three general tests and five specific tests. Which one is not part of the five specific tests? 4. Question : Which of the following would disqualify a taxpayer from filing a Form 1040EZ? 5. Question : The basic standard deduction in 2014 for a single taxpayer who is 67 years old and not blind is: 6. Question : The basic standard deduction in 2014 for a taxpayer, 67 and not blind, filing head of household is: 7. Question : What is the amount of the tax liability for a married couple having taxable income of $153,500? All answers should be rounded to the nearest dollar. 8. Question : Which of the following trial courts hear tax cases? 9. Question : A 37-year-old taxpayer with a dependent child and claiming head of household status has received $21,000 in child support payments and earned wages of $46,000. Which is the simplest form this person canfile? 10. Question : The basic standard deduction in 2014 for a Head of Household taxpayer who is 41 years old and not blind is:
ACC 401 MASTER COURSE TUTORIAL ACC 401 Week 2 Assignment Chapter 4 problem 53 and problem 55 (UOP) ACC 401 Week 2 DQ 1 Adjusted Gross Income 53. Under the terms of a divorce decree executed May 1, 2008, Rob transferred a house worth $650,000 to his ex-wife, Linda, and was to make alimony payments of $3,000 per month. The property has a tax basis to Rob of $300,000. a. How much of this must be reported on Linda’s tax return? b. Of that amount, how much is taxable gain or loss that Linda must recognize related to the transfer of the house? 54. Under the alimony recapture rules, what amounts are designated for recapture reclassification, and what are the tax consequences? 55. Indicate whether each of the following items is considered a for AGI, (above-the line) deduction for the 2009 tax year. Chapter 5, complete problem 54, problem 61, and problem 62 54. Steve purchased a personal residence from Adam. To sell the residence, Adam agreed to pay $4,500 in points related to Steve’s mortgage. Discuss the tax consequences from the perspective of both Steve and Adam. 61. Reynaldo and Sonya, a married couple, had flood damage in their home due to a faulty water heater during 2009, which ruined the furniture in their garage. The following items were completely destroyed and not salvageable Their homeowner’s insurance policy had a $10,000 deductible for the personal property, which was deducted from their insurance reimbursement of $12,700, resulting in a net payment of $2,800. Their AGI for 2009 was $30,000. What is the amount of casualty loss that Reynaldo and Sonya can claim on their joint return for 2009? 62. During the year 2009, Ricki, who is not self-employed and does not receive employer reimbursement for business expenses, drove her car 5,000 miles to visit clients, 10,000 miles to get to her office, and 500 miles to attend business-related seminars. She spent $300 for airfare to another business seminar and $200 for parking at her office. Using the car expense rate of 55 cents per mile, what is her deductible transportation expense? What are some of the limitations concerning deductibility of student loan interest? Be specific and comprehensive 43. How much, if any, may Antonio take as a moving expense deduction on his 2014 tax return? Is that deduction subject to any conditions that could change its deductibility in the future? 47. Three types of payments are associated with a decree of separation or a divorce. a. What are those three payments b. Which one has a tax consequence c. What is the timing rule regarding the recapture period of those payments \
ACC 401 MASTER COURSE TUTORIAL ACC 401 Week 2 DQ 2 Itemized Deductions ACC 401 Week 2 Quiz (UOP) Ch5. 48. Mickey is a 12-year-old dialysis patient. Three times a week he and his mother, Sue, drive 20 miles one way to Mickey’s dialysis clinic. On the way home they go 10 miles out of their way to stop at Mickey’s favorite restaurant. Their total round trip is 50 miles per day. How many of those miles, if any, can Sue use to calculate an itemized deduction for transportation? Use the mileage rate in effect for 2010. Explain your answer. 52. On April 1, 2010, Paul sold a house to Amy. The property tax on the house, which is based on a calendar year, was due September 1, 2010. Amy paid the full amount of property tax of $ 2,500. Calculate both Paul’s and Amy’s allowable deductions for the property tax. Assume a 365 day year. 53. In 2009 Sherri, a single taxpayer, had $3,600 in state tax withheld from her paycheck. She properly deducted that amount on her 2009 tax return as an itemized deduction that she qualified for, thus reducing her tax liability. After filing her 2009 tax return, Sherri discovered that she had overpaid her state tax by $316. She received her refund in July 2010. What must Sherri do with the $ 316 refund? Explain your answer. ACC 401 Week 2 Quiz
ACC 401 MASTER COURSE TUTORIAL ACC 401 Week 3 Assignment Chapter 6 (UOP) ACC 401 Week 3 DQ 1 Self-Employed Business Income & Capital Gains 39. David is a college professor who does some consulting work on the side. He uses 25% of his home exclusively for the consulting practice. He is single and 63 years old. His AGI (without consideration of consulting income) is $45,000. Other information follows: Income from consulting business $4,000 Consulting expenses other than home office 1,500 Total costs relating to home: Interest and taxes 6,500 Utilities 1,500 Maintenance and repairs 450 Depreciation (business part only) 1,500 Ch6. 1. Discuss the definition of trade or business. Why does it matter whether a taxpayer is classified as an employee or as self-employed? 2. Discuss the concepts of ordinary, necessary, and reasonable in relation to trade or business expenses. 9. Discuss the concept of electing 禮 179 expense. Does the election allow a larger expense deduction in the year of asset acquisition? 15. Why were the hobby loss rules established? What factors determine whether an activity is a trade or business or a hobby? Is any one factor controlling?
ACC 401 MASTER COURSE TUTORIAL ACC 401 Week 3 DQ 2 Rental Property & Royalties ACC 401 Week 3 Quiz (UOP) Ch8. 33. Ramone is a tax attorney and he also owns an office building that he rents for $8,500 /month. He is responsible for paying all taxes and expenses relating to the building’s operation and maintenance. Is Ramone engaged in the trade or business of renting real estate? 34. Kelvin owns and lives in a duplex. He rents the other unit for $750 per month. He incurs the following expenses during the current year for the entire property: How are the expenditures treated for tax purposes? On what tax form(s) are these amounts reported? 35. In the current year, Sandra rented her vacation home for 75 days, used it for personal use for 22 days, and left it vacant for the remainder of the year. Her income and expenses are as follows: What is Sandra’s net income or loss from the activity? Use the tax court method. ACC 401 Week 3 Quiz
ACC 401 MASTER COURSE TUTORIAL ACC 401 Week 4 Assignment Chapter 9, Problem 42 problem 49 (UOP) ACC 401 Week 4 DQ 1 Tax Credits and Payroll Taxes Ch8. 33. Ramone is a tax attorney and he also owns an office building that he rents for $8,500 /month. He is responsible for paying all taxes and expenses relating to the building’s operation and maintenance. Is R 42. Tim and Martha paid $7,900 in qualified employment-related expenses for their three young children who live with them in their household. Martha received $1,800 of dependent care assistance from her employer, which was properly excluded from gross income. The couple had $57,000 of AGI earned equally by Tim and Martha. What amount of child and dependent care tax credit can they claim on their Form 1040? How would your answer differ (if at all) if the couple had AGI of $36,000 that was entirely earned by Tim? 49. Jeremy and Celeste paid the following for their daughter, Alyssa, to attend University of Colorado, during 2009. Alyssa was in her first year of college and attended full-time: Tuition and fees (for fall semester 2009) $1,950 Tuition and fees (for spring semester 2010)1,000 Books 600 amone engaged in the trade or business of renting real estate? 34. Kelvin owns and lives in a duplex. He rents the other unit for $750 per month. He incurs the following expenses during the current year for the entire property: How are the expenditures treated for tax purposes? On what tax form(s) are these amounts reported? 35. In the current year, Sandra rented her vacation home for 75 days, used it for personal use for 22 days, and left it vacant for the remainder of the year. Her income and expenses are as follows: What is Sandra’s net income or loss from the activity? Use the tax court method. From Chapter 9, complete questions 3 and 7, and problem 43. From Chapter 10, complete question 1 and question 7. Remember to complete all parts of the problems and report the results of your analysis. Do not forget to show the necessary steps and explain how you attained that outcome. Respond to at least two of your classmates' postings.
ACC 401 MASTER COURSE TUTORIAL ACC 401 Week 4 DQ 2 Payroll Taxes and Retirement Plans ACC 401 Week 4 Quiz (UOP) From Chapter 10, complete questions 12 and 13. From Chapter 11, complete question 5, question 15, and question 19. Remember to complete all parts of the problems and report the results of your analysis. Do not forget to show the necessary steps and explain how you attained that outcome. ACC 401 Week 4 Quiz
ACC 401 MASTER COURSE TUTORIAL ACC 401 Week 5 DQ 1 Partnership Taxation ACC 401 Week 5 DQ 2 Corporate taxation Chapter 14, problems 1, 3, 12, and 15. 1. Discuss the formation of a partnership. Is any gain or loss recognized? Explain. 3. How do taxation for the corporate form and taxation for the partnership form differ? 12. Can a partner have a salary from a partnership? Why? What is a guaranteed payment? 15. If a partner owns a 20% interest, does that necessarily mean that he or she will receive 20% of the net income from the partnership? Explain. Chapter 15, problems 4, 6, 14 and 16. 4.Explain the 80% rule as it pertains to the formation of a corporation. 6.An individual contributes property with a fair market value in excess of basis to a corporation in exchange for stock. What is the basis of the stock in the hands of the shareholder, and what is the basis of the property contributed in the hands of the corporation? 14.A corporation may make a distribution to its shareholders. Depending on the circumstances, in the hands of the shareholder, the distribution can be classified as a dividend, a tax-free distribution, or a capital gain. Explain the circumstances in which each classification can occur. 16.What is Schedule M-1, and what is its purpose?
ACC 401 MASTER COURSE TUTORIAL ACC 401 Week 5 Final Paper Assignment (UOP) Q:Appendix A Please use this information for your Tax Return and Paper. *All people, businesses, and information are fictional. Any relation to an actual person or business is accidental. Harold Petersan SSN: 0XX-01-1XXX Date of Birth (DOB): 05/27/1975 Gross Pay: $51,750 401(k) contributions: $4,140 Healthcare costs (payroll deductions): $1347 Reported wages: $46,263 Social Security Wages: $50,403 Medicare Wages: $50,403 State Wages: $46,263 Taxes withheld:
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