Reflective Practice and Revalidation For all Registrants
What elements of the Code relate to reflection and revalidation? 2 Practise Effectively You must reflect and act on any feedback you receive to improve your practice Clause 9 Share your skills, knowledge and experience for the benefit of people receiving care and your colleagues. To achieve this, you must: 9.1 provide honest, accurate and constructive feedback to colleagues 9.2 gather and reflect on feedback from a variety of sources, using it to improve your practice and performance
What elements of the Code relate to reflection and revalidation? 3 Promote professionalism and trust You uphold the reputation of your profession at all times. You should display a personal commitment to the standards of practice and behaviour set out in the Code Clause 20 & 22 Uphold the reputation of your profession at all times. To achieve this, you must: 20.1 keep to and uphold the standards and values set out in the Code 20.8 act as a role model of professional behaviour for students and newly qualified nurses and midwives to aspire to
What elements of the Code relate to reflection and revalidation? 4 Promote professionalism and trust You uphold the reputation of your profession at all times. You should display a personal commitment to the standards of practice and behaviour set out in the Code Clause 22 Fulfil all registration requirements. To achieve this, you must: 22.1 meet any reasonable requests so we (NMC) can oversee the registration process 22.2 keep to our prescribed hours of practice and carry out CPD activities 22.3 keep your knowledge and skills up to date, taking part in appropriate and regular learning and CPD activities that aim to maintain and develop your competence and improve your performance
What elements of the Code relate to reflection and revalidation? 5 Promote professionalism and trust You uphold the reputation of your profession at all times. You should display a personal commitment to the standards of practice and behaviour set out in the Code Clause 24 Respond to any complaints made against you professionally To achieve this, you must: 24.2 use all complaints as a form of feedback and an opportunity for reflection and learning to improve practice
What’s in a reflection? 6 Is this what we see? Or is it more like this?
What is reflection and reflective practice? 7 Reflective practice - the capacity to reflect on action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning Developing insight - learning from experience alone does not always follow Donald Schon (1983) Thinking on your feet, drawing Happens after an experience, on past experiences to guide analysis of own reaction to current action situation, reason and consequences of action taken
What is reflection and reflective practice? 8 Example model
Reflective exercise 9 Split into pairs and spend 10mins each Think of something that happened to you in work in the last year, month, week, yesterday or today. Describe to your partner what the event was - how it made you think/feel? (write it done on your reflective practice template) What was good or bad about the situation? What are you views now on that situation and, with hindsight, what else might you have done in the circumstances? If it happened again how would you handle it next time? What area of the Code does this fit in to? You have now completed a reflection
Revalidation requirements for reflective practise 10 This can be a reflection on an individual instance of CPD/feedback or a combination of both (see example in pack) The important thing to remember is it MUST reflect how it relates to the Code and how the reflection will influence your future practice You will need to have a reflective discussion about your Reflections/CPD/feedback with an NMC registrant. The appropriate form must be signed by them and include their name & PIN no. You must record a minimum of 5 reflections in 3yrs on; - the Code, - your CPD, and - practice-related feedback The NMC have provided a template, which you MUST use You do not have to routinely submit reflections to the NMC but they MUST be retained should you be called for audit
Revalidation requirements for reflective practise 11 Any questions Thank you Diolch yn Fawr