Implementing the Common Core State Standards for Literacy and the N.C. Essential Standards for Information & Technology Bladen County Schools August 22, 2012
DRAFT Digital Disclaimer The digital tools used during the course of this training have been helpful to some educators across the state. However, due to the rapidly changing digital environment, NCDPI does not represent nor endorse that these tools are the exclusive digital tools for the purposes outlined during this session.
DRAFT Access to training materials: 3
DRAFT Norms Ask questions Engage fully Integrate new information Open your mind to diverse views Utilize what you learn
DRAFT Graffiti Wall Activity What words or short phrases describe what you want students to accomplish by the time they complete your grade/course? Green 2.What comes to mind when you think about literacy in your classroom? Blue 3.What comes to mind when you think about technology in your classroom? Pink
DRAFT Graffiti Wall Resources Read, Write, Think Interactive Literary Graffiti wall-discussing-responding-208.html?tab=1#tabs Facing History’s Graffiti Board
DRAFT Meeting Outcomes By the end of this session, participants will.… Be familiar with Common Core 6-12 Literacy Standards Be familiar with N.C. Information & Technology Essential Standards Collaborate with discipline colleagues on ways to integrate disciplinary & digital literacies into their classrooms.
DRAFT What does it mean to be College & Career Ready?
STARTING THE CONVERSATION WITH THE ELEPHANT K-5 focus: learning to read & write 6-12 focus: reading & writing to learn
DRAFT Literacy defined… "… literacy is essential for success in almost every area of life. Literacy is far more than the ability to read and write basic text. Rather, literacy is the ability to read, speak, listen, and think in order to learn, communicate, and making meaning of increasingly complex print and online texts. Literacy and content learning are deeply intertwined" (Taking the Lead on Adolescent Literacy Action Steps for Schoolwide Success by Judith Irvin, Julie Meltzer, Nancy Dean, Martha Jan Mickler, page 2
DRAFT Jigsaw Activity At your tables, assign each member an assignment from the next 2 slides. Take 5 minutes to read your assigned section and be prepared to briefly explain it to your tablemates. Teach your tablemates (The Self-Assessment document on the wiki is useful for taking notes.) Complete the 4-Square Graphic Organizer as a group.
DRAFT Link for Informational Technology Standards Open the link for the Informational Technology Essential Standards (ITES) livebinder and research the 5 strands in the ITES. Discuss with a partner ways that technology enabled instruction can be integrated into all the content areas and the relevance of the ITES in teaching and learning. How do these strands influence the decisions you will make as a classroom teacher in planning and facilitating meaningful learning for all learners? Link for ITES Livebinder:
Take a Break
DRAFT Literacy Standards for Reading
DRAFT Literacy Standards for Writing
DRAFT IT Standards
DRAFT Create your own Word Cloud How might you use word clouds with your students?
Self-Assessment Present 1.I’ve never heard of this. 2.I’ve heard about this, but just haven’t tried it. 3.I’ve tried this once or twice. 4.I’ve tried this several times. 5.This is an integral part of my classroom Future Look through CCSS/NCES for examples that align with the literacy standards and make personal notes. Identify 1-3 areas for growth.
DRAFT Collaborative Brainstorming/Planning With a partner, discuss the following: –Identify ways in which you currently implement disciplinary literacy (Literacy standards) and digital literacy (IT standards). –Brainstorm ways in which you can integrate disciplinary literacy (Literacy standards) and digital literacy (IT standards) in your lessons. –Set a goal for integrating these standards into at least one lesson/unit by the date determined by your building administrator.
DRAFT Available DPI Resources Disciplinary Literacy Module Digital Literacy Module Regional Consultants
DRAFT Other Tech Resources Verizon Thinkfinity - (especially the following ReadWriteThink interactives: Essay Map, Persuasion Map, Notetaker, Webbing Tool, Doodle Splash) Intel Engage - Bruce Ketcham facilitates a WCS community on Intel Web 2.0 tools listed on regional wiki
DRAFT Books Content Matters: A Disciplinary Literacy Approach to Improving Student Learning edited by Stephanie. M. McConachie & Anthony R. Petrosky Disciplinary Literacy: Redefining Deep Understanding and Leadership for 21 st -Century Demands by Thomasina Piercy & William Piercy Literacy is Not Enough: 21 st Century Fluencies for the Digital Age by Lee Crockett, Ian Jukes & Andrew Churches Digital Citizenship in Schools by Mike Ribble Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World edited by Heidi Hayes Jacobs
DRAFT Final Reflection Responses will be shared with school and district leaders to provide follow-up support.
26 Questions?
Contact Information Donna Albaugh Jody Cleven Heather Stewart Regional DPI Staff