T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Task 5: Participants and work plan Participants:role 1.


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Presentation transcript:

T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Task 5: Participants and work plan Participants:role 1. GANIL, France - sub-task D 2. FZJ, Germany - sub-task C 3. LMU, Germany - sub-task B 4. CERN, EU - sub-task A 5. CEA, France - coordination 6. NIPNE, Romania - contribution 7. FI, Lithuania - contribution 8. Univ. Warsaw, Poland - contribution External partners: ORNL, ANL, TRIUMF, JAEA, KAERI, ITN 4 sub-tasks (A) Radiation, activation, shielding & doses (B) Radioactivity control, safety & risks (D) Conformity to legislation 4y4y 3y3y 2y2y 1y1y schedule (C) Decommissioning (A) Radiation, activation, shielding & doses (B) Radioactivity control, safety & risks (D) Conformity to legislation 4y4y 3y3y 2y2y 1y1y (C) Decommissioning

T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Status of milestones due to… ** Deliverable/ ** Deliverable/Milestone Name ** Workpackage** Lead** PlannedAchieved Milestone No/Subtask NoContractor(s)(in months) M1.1Validation of MC codes5/ACERN, CEA, NIPNE, WU, FI 12 M1.2Radiation & activation estimates5/ACERN, CEA, NIPNE, FI, FZJ 3640 M1.3Shielding guidelines5/ACERN, CEA, NIPNE, FI, FZJ 48Expected by ~48 M2.1Dispersion of radioactivity5/BNIPNE, LMU, CERN, FZJ, CEA 17 M2.2Test of purification system5/BLMU, …3840 M2.3Containment of radioactivity5/BLMU, …22 M2.4Activity transport in ground water 5/BFZJ, FI, CERN, CEA, M3Decommissioning issues5/CFZJ, CEA, CERN, … 51Expected by 51 M4Conformity to legislation5/DGANIL, CERN, CEA, FZJ, NIPNE, WU 36

T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Status of Deliverables due to… ** Deliverable/ ** Deliverable/Milestone Name ** Workpackage** Lead** PlannedAchieved Milestone No/Subtask NoContractor(s)(in months) M4Conformity to legislation5/DGANIL, CERN, CEA, FZJ, NIPNE, WU 36 D4: Conformity to Legislation (GANIL) Achieved: D4 published (report) 3 technical notes published

T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Status of Deliverables due to… D2: Radioactivity Control, Safety and Risk (LMU) Achieved: D2 published (report) 6 technical notes published 10 articles published ** Deliverable/ ** Deliverable/Milestone Name ** Workpackage** Lead** PlannedAchieved Milestone No/Subtask NoContractor(s)(in months) M2.1Dispersion of radioactivity5/BNIPNE, LMU, CERN, FZJ, CEA 17 M2.2Test of purification system5/BLMU, …3840 M2.3Containment of radioactivity5/BLMU, …22 M2.4Activity transport in ground water 5/BFZJ, FI, CERN, CEA,... 22

T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Status of Deliverables due to… D2: Radioactivity Control, Safety and Risk (LMU) M2.1 EURISOL Toolkit Creation M2.3 Design & Tests of Cryotraps M2.2 Design &Tests of Metallic Filters M2.4 Model Creation for Activity transport in Ground Water

T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Status of Deliverables due to… D1: Radiation, activation, doses (CERN) Well in progress: 8 technical notes published 7 articles published ** Deliverable/ ** Deliverable/Milestone Name ** Workpackage** Lead** PlannedAchieved Milestone No/Subtask NoContractor(s)(in months) M1.1Validation of MC codes5/ACERN, CEA, NIPNE, WU, FI 12 M1.2Radiation & activation estimates5/ACERN, CEA, NIPNE, FI, FZJ 3640 M1.3Shielding guidelines5/ACERN, CEA, NIPNE, FI, FZJ 48Expected by ~48 Remaining work: Shielding of proton driver  rescaling from SNS once the beam losses provided (Task 7) Modifications of shielding of MMW target station with new MAFF geometry Shielding of experimental areas Work already achieved within M1.3: Shielding of MMW target Shielding of RIB transport lines Shielding of post-accelerator

T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Status of Deliverables due to… D3: Decommissioning issues (FZJ) Well in progress: 6 technical notes published 4 articles published Remaining work: Radioactive waste map with detailed characterization (FZJ/FI/CEA) Volumes, masses, specific activities, classification,… ** Deliverable/ ** Deliverable/Milestone Name ** Workpackage** Lead** PlannedAchieved Milestone No/Subtask NoContractor(s)(in months) M3Decommissioning issues5/CFZJ, CEA, CERN, FI, … 51Expected by 51 Work already achieved within M3: Activation of MMW target station Activation of concrete, iron, air, soil Solidification of liquid Hg target (e.g. HgS)

T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Conference presentations/publications: 4 scientific publications + 1 in preparation 10 conference presentations + 2 other are expected in 2008 Technical notes: 27 technical notes Other matters… All placed at ! Meetings: 10 th meeting held on 5-6 May 2008 at FI (Vilnius) 11 th meeting planned in November 2008 at ITN (Lisbon) 12 th meeting in spring 2009 at CEA Saclay

T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Other matters… A. Plukis, FI: Request to move the 1.8 kEUR from Task 1 (Audit Expenses) to Task 5, distributing it to 1.0 kEUR for personnel and 0.8 kEUR for travel & subsistence P. Thirolf, LMU: Everything seems to be in order (milestones, budget, timing,…)

T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Other matters… D. Ridikas will not be able to continue working (officially) on Task 5 since 28 July 2008 due to his new job appointment at IAEA (Vienna, Austria); although his un-official contribution is still envisaged J. C. David (CEA) will replace him for the Task 5 temporarily until the new person is officially appointed after summer holidays (internal arrangement within CEA) During the last task meeting FZJ, CERN, LMU & GANIL, being responsible for 4 sub-tasks (4 deliverables), have agreed to contribute to the final report chapters correspondingly. In this way CEA should be able to assure the final report of Task 5 for the project.

T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Other matters… It was my pleasure working with you ALL!