T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Task 5: Participants and work plan Participants:role 1. GANIL, France - sub-task D 2. FZJ, Germany - sub-task C 3. LMU, Germany - sub-task B 4. CERN, EU - sub-task A 5. CEA, France - coordination 6. NIPNE, Romania - contribution 7. FI, Lithuania - contribution 8. Univ. Warsaw, Poland - contribution External partners: ORNL, ANL, TRIUMF, JAEA, KAERI, ITN 4 sub-tasks (A) Radiation, activation, shielding & doses (B) Radioactivity control, safety & risks (D) Conformity to legislation 4y4y 3y3y 2y2y 1y1y schedule (C) Decommissioning (A) Radiation, activation, shielding & doses (B) Radioactivity control, safety & risks (D) Conformity to legislation 4y4y 3y3y 2y2y 1y1y (C) Decommissioning
T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Status of milestones due to… ** Deliverable/ ** Deliverable/Milestone Name ** Workpackage** Lead** PlannedAchieved Milestone No/Subtask NoContractor(s)(in months) M1.1Validation of MC codes5/ACERN, CEA, NIPNE, WU, FI 12 M1.2Radiation & activation estimates5/ACERN, CEA, NIPNE, FI, FZJ 3640 M1.3Shielding guidelines5/ACERN, CEA, NIPNE, FI, FZJ 48Expected by ~48 M2.1Dispersion of radioactivity5/BNIPNE, LMU, CERN, FZJ, CEA 17 M2.2Test of purification system5/BLMU, …3840 M2.3Containment of radioactivity5/BLMU, …22 M2.4Activity transport in ground water 5/BFZJ, FI, CERN, CEA, M3Decommissioning issues5/CFZJ, CEA, CERN, … 51Expected by 51 M4Conformity to legislation5/DGANIL, CERN, CEA, FZJ, NIPNE, WU 36
T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Status of Deliverables due to… ** Deliverable/ ** Deliverable/Milestone Name ** Workpackage** Lead** PlannedAchieved Milestone No/Subtask NoContractor(s)(in months) M4Conformity to legislation5/DGANIL, CERN, CEA, FZJ, NIPNE, WU 36 D4: Conformity to Legislation (GANIL) Achieved: D4 published (report) 3 technical notes published
T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Status of Deliverables due to… D2: Radioactivity Control, Safety and Risk (LMU) Achieved: D2 published (report) 6 technical notes published 10 articles published ** Deliverable/ ** Deliverable/Milestone Name ** Workpackage** Lead** PlannedAchieved Milestone No/Subtask NoContractor(s)(in months) M2.1Dispersion of radioactivity5/BNIPNE, LMU, CERN, FZJ, CEA 17 M2.2Test of purification system5/BLMU, …3840 M2.3Containment of radioactivity5/BLMU, …22 M2.4Activity transport in ground water 5/BFZJ, FI, CERN, CEA,... 22
T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Status of Deliverables due to… D2: Radioactivity Control, Safety and Risk (LMU) M2.1 EURISOL Toolkit Creation M2.3 Design & Tests of Cryotraps M2.2 Design &Tests of Metallic Filters M2.4 Model Creation for Activity transport in Ground Water
T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Status of Deliverables due to… D1: Radiation, activation, doses (CERN) Well in progress: 8 technical notes published 7 articles published ** Deliverable/ ** Deliverable/Milestone Name ** Workpackage** Lead** PlannedAchieved Milestone No/Subtask NoContractor(s)(in months) M1.1Validation of MC codes5/ACERN, CEA, NIPNE, WU, FI 12 M1.2Radiation & activation estimates5/ACERN, CEA, NIPNE, FI, FZJ 3640 M1.3Shielding guidelines5/ACERN, CEA, NIPNE, FI, FZJ 48Expected by ~48 Remaining work: Shielding of proton driver rescaling from SNS once the beam losses provided (Task 7) Modifications of shielding of MMW target station with new MAFF geometry Shielding of experimental areas Work already achieved within M1.3: Shielding of MMW target Shielding of RIB transport lines Shielding of post-accelerator
T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Status of Deliverables due to… D3: Decommissioning issues (FZJ) Well in progress: 6 technical notes published 4 articles published Remaining work: Radioactive waste map with detailed characterization (FZJ/FI/CEA) Volumes, masses, specific activities, classification,… ** Deliverable/ ** Deliverable/Milestone Name ** Workpackage** Lead** PlannedAchieved Milestone No/Subtask NoContractor(s)(in months) M3Decommissioning issues5/CFZJ, CEA, CERN, FI, … 51Expected by 51 Work already achieved within M3: Activation of MMW target station Activation of concrete, iron, air, soil Solidification of liquid Hg target (e.g. HgS)
T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Conference presentations/publications: 4 scientific publications + 1 in preparation 10 conference presentations + 2 other are expected in 2008 Technical notes: 27 technical notes Other matters… All placed at ! Meetings: 10 th meeting held on 5-6 May 2008 at FI (Vilnius) 11 th meeting planned in November 2008 at ITN (Lisbon) 12 th meeting in spring 2009 at CEA Saclay
T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Other matters… A. Plukis, FI: Request to move the 1.8 kEUR from Task 1 (Audit Expenses) to Task 5, distributing it to 1.0 kEUR for personnel and 0.8 kEUR for travel & subsistence P. Thirolf, LMU: Everything seems to be in order (milestones, budget, timing,…)
T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Other matters… D. Ridikas will not be able to continue working (officially) on Task 5 since 28 July 2008 due to his new job appointment at IAEA (Vienna, Austria); although his un-official contribution is still envisaged J. C. David (CEA) will replace him for the Task 5 temporarily until the new person is officially appointed after summer holidays (internal arrangement within CEA) During the last task meeting FZJ, CERN, LMU & GANIL, being responsible for 4 sub-tasks (4 deliverables), have agreed to contribute to the final report chapters correspondingly. In this way CEA should be able to assure the final report of Task 5 for the project.
T5: Safety & Radioprotection MB meeting, 7-8 July 2008, Lisbon, PortugalContact: Other matters… It was my pleasure working with you ALL!