What is an Effective Learning Environment In a DIFFERENTIATED CLASSROOM
CHARACTERISTICS EVERYONE FEELS WELCOME AND HELPS EVERYONE ELSE FEEL WELCOME Direct positive attention of the teacher Peers who acknowledge all of their classmates Displays of student work and other artifacts that are student designed Flexible and comfortable seating options Time in the day when students and teachers can talk about the day or other issues
CHARACTERISTICS MUTUAL RESPECT IS NONNEGOTIABLE We will never like or understand everyone with whom we spend time BUT the classroom is a better place if we learn that everyone shares a need for common feelings such as Acceptance Respect Security Success In a differentiated classroom, the teacher helps the students distinguish between feelings about something someone did or said and the value of that person. The teacher helps the student solve problems constructively without making anyone feel smaller. The teacher is he catalyst.
CHARACTERISTICS STUDENTS FEEL SAFE IN THE CLASSROOM Students must feel free from both physical and emotional danger Students must know it is ok to ask for help and to not know the answer Students in a differentiated classroom must know an earnest question will get an earnest answer Students in a differentiated classroom must know that eyes will never roll when they speak Students must feel secure to take a risk (free from ridicule)
CHARACTERISTICS THERE IS A PERVASIVE EXPECTATION OF GROWTH The goal is for every learner to grow as much as possible in general ability and specific talent The teacher gets excited about individual growth and group progress Students chart their own growth and discuss their own learning goals and ways to achieve them Teacher knows that all growth is note worthy One students growth may be mastering the connection between fractions and decimals while another student’s might be reflect an understanding of the correlation between fractions, decimals and subtraction In a differentiated classroom, the growth of each of the students is a matter of celebration, and one person’s growth is not more or less valuable than another’s.
CHARACTERISTICS THE TEACHER TEACHES FOR SUCCESS The teacher designs questions and activities to assess where a student is in relation to key learning goals and then provides learning experiences that will push he learner a little further and faster than is comfortable. When the learner really gives good effort, the teacher will ensure that there is support necessary to assist the student in reaching the goal that seemed a bit out of reach. (Scaffolding) Scaffolding is whatever kind of assistance is needed for any student to mover from prior knowledge and skill to the next level of knowledge and skill In a good differentiated classroom, the teacher is continually raising the stakes for success for any individual. REMEMBER-EVERYONE’S NEXT STEP WILL NOT BE IDENTICAL.
CHARACTERISTICS A NEW SORT OF FAIRNESS IS EVIDENT Fairness is redefined Fair means trying to make sure each student gets what he or she needs in order to grow and succeed Students and teachers work as a team to ensure that the classroom works well for everyone in the class
CHARACTERISTICS TEACHERS AND STUDENTS COLLABORATE FOR MUTUAL GROWTH AND SUCCESS Everyone takes responsibility for their well-being and the well-being of others Teacher is the leader but students help establish routines, help one another, keep track of their work, and so on. Students will be ready for different amounts of responsibility; however, students need to be guided in assuming greater amounts of responsibility and independence as learners and part of the community. Independence and responsibility are essential to success in life and in the differentiated classroom.
Teacher Checklist for Group Work ___ Students understand the task goals. ___ Students understand what’s expected of individuals to make the group work well. ___ The task matches the goals (leads students to what they should know, understand, and be able to do). ___ Most students should find the task interesting. ___ The task requires an important contribution from each group member based on the student’s skills and interest. ___ The task is likely to be demanding of the group and its members. ___ The task requires genuine collaboration to achieve shared understanding. ___ Time lines are brisk but not rigid. ___ Individuals are accountable for their own understanding of all facets of the task. ___There’s a “way out” for students who are not succeeding with the group. ___ There is opportunity for teacher or peer coaching and in-process quality checks. ___Students understand what to do next after hey complete their work at a high level of quality.
Paving the Way for Respect and Success Two Concrete Pieces of Guidance that Contribute to a Positive Learning Environment in a Differentiated Classroom that Round out he more Philosophical Guidance Offered above. Students in Differentiated Classrooms Need To: Collaborate Successfully!!
Paving the Way for Respect and Success CONTINUALLY COACH STUDENTS TO BE CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS OF A GROUP Teachers should study groups in the classroom to determine which groups are functional and which are dysfunctional Create tasks and give directions that steer students toward the more functional ways of working Remember students can and should help develop groups that are productive
Remember Groups will work better if students: Know what to do How to do it What is expected of group members What will constitute quality of both working processes and product
Remember EFFECTIVE TASKS Call for meaningful contribution from every group member Groups cannot work on a caste system where some students are always the leader Students must have a “way out” if they cannot succeed with the group The alternative cannot be punitive
PLANNING THOUGHTS You plan activities and discussions to meet the needs of the classroom and group students accordingly based on each students individual strengths and needs and what he or she can bring to the group Using a variety of grouping strategies allows a teacher to match students and tasks when necessary and allows you to observe and assess students This flexibility keeps students from feeling pegged into a certain classroom niche Some activities may put students with the same readiness skills together and other activities will bring students with varied readiness skills together The same flexible grouping strategy can be used with student interest. Bottom line-students should never find themselves in the same groups time after time after time.