Online & Offline Publishing - Bitmaps & Vector Graphics Keywords: Paths, Points, Resize, Transparency, Resolution, Print Quality Web Image File Formats: bitmap pixels File Extensions:.JPEG.GIF.PNG Paper-based Media – Newspapers, magazines etc. The Internet & Online Publishing – Web Pages AUDIENCE The PC Print Image File Formats: Vector TIFF, EPS etc Software: Illustrator, Freehand, online vector-graphics software, Drawing Tools in Word Keywords: Compression, Resolution, transparency, Screen Quality MS OFFICE VECTOR & BITMAP File Types –.WMF &.BMP
Different Software = Save Files in Different Formats Photographs and Detailed Images = SAVE as Bitmaps (eg.TIFF,.JPEG,.EPS or.BMP Illustrations and Line Drawings = SAVE as Vector Graphics It all starts with SAVE!
.jpeg Photographs and Detailed Images - JPEG File Compression - The Web Low compression = higher quality images High compression = poor quality images 9k - under 1 28kbps 200k kbps Large and detailed images, especially photographs, are very memory intensive and can take ages to appear on a web page. Compression software reduces the file size of these images considerably. The image we see will often be a compromise between size, quality and modem speed. fastNot-so-fast
.gif Detailed Images with Transparency - GIF File Compression - The Web This is an image made using vector drawings – there are transparent areas. To preserve the transparent quality of this image for the web we should save it as a.GIF or.PNG file. This can be done using image editing software such as Photoshop or Gimp.
Anti-aliasing Is a technique used to render text – when it is on, anti- aliasing ‘smooths’ edges for better readability
Audience & Fitness for Purpose SAVE - Photographs and Complex Images - as JPEGS or GIFS SAVE - Illustrations, Line Drawings = Vector Graphics The software does the hard work for you! - all you need to think about is what you want to use your image for.