Race and Ethnicity Data What do we have and how do we use it? Lou Saadi, Ph.D. Director, Office of Health Assessment Center for Health and Environmental Statistics February 16 th, 2007
Key Areas to Consider in Using Data Containing Race and Ethnicity Information How do people view their race and ethnic status and how do they respond to our collection instruments? How are the Data Collectors viewing race/ethnicity and what are they recording on our behalf? How do we use the data that’s been collected in the most representative fashion possible?
How do we perceive ourselves? I’m NOT White, Black, or anything else: I’m Other, Specified!
How are the data collector’s viewing race/ethnicity and what are they recording on our behalf? Even with the best guidance and training on how to collect the information, issues still occur.— A real life example.
How do we use the data that’s been collected in the most representative manner possible? KDHE policy considerations on how to report data.
Death Statistics for the State of Kansas – –Year: 2004 Ethnicity Hispanic Non-Hispanic All Race Number %of total Number % of total Number % of total White , , Black/African-American , , Other # All races , , – –FootnoteRow Percentages # Indicates Numbers Below 6
Hospital Discharge Statistics for the State of Kansas, by Diagnosis Year: 2005 Ethnicity Non-Hispanic Hispanic All Race Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate White 210, , Black 17,890 1,064.6 # 19,249 1,099.1 Other 32,108 3, ,295 23, ,260 7,658.3 All Races 260,920 1, , ,906 1,161.9 FootnoteRates Per 10,000 # Indicates Numbers Below 6
What do other entities do? National Center for Health Statistics/US Census Bureau recodes data Some States use the combination reporting Some States don’t even address the issue.
What do we propose to do? Collect data in the most granular manner possible per OMB 15 standards Spend considerable effort educating data collectors Report data maintained for public dissemination in the “sub- population” format. White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic Other, Unknown Hispanic, can be of any race Concerns? Federal reporting requirements will contrast to public reporting. Could cause confusion with programs.