The Scottish Repository Scene Susan Ashworth Assistant Director University of Glasgow Library
Open Access in Scotland Open Access meeting 11 th October 2004, Royal Society of Edinburgh Attended by main stakeholders –Senior HEI staff – Principals, Vice-Principals –SHEFC, Scottish Executive, Research Institutes Scottish Declaration on Open Access launched at that meeting – Open Access Team for Scotland (OATS) set up IRIScotland funded by JISC June 2005
Scottish Declaration on Open Access All Scottish Universities have signed the Scottish Declaration Commits HEIs to: –Set up institutional repositories, and/or liaise with other organisations to establish a joint repository. –Encourage, and where practical mandate, researchers to deposit copies of their outputs (articles, reports, conference papers, etc) in an institutional or co-operative repository. –Encourage, and where practical mandate, the deposit of PhD theses in an institutional repository. –Review intellectual property policies, to ensure that researchers have the right and duty to provide an open access version of their research.
IRIScotland JISC funded project which ran SCURL/National Library of Scotland/Scottish Library and Information Council Survey of author attitudes to open access Toolkit aimed at repository staff and at researchers Repository hosting service offered by the NLS Metadata agreement
IRIScotland author survey Strongly against n=10 (2%) Mildly against n=26 (5%) Neutral n=59 (12%) Mildly in favour n=160 (33%) Strongly in favour n=228 (47%)
A Scottish agenda? Visibility for Scottish research Supporting Scottish research pools Finding local research and research collaborators Knowledge transfer – key policy issue for the Scottish Government Social good – a strong driver in Scotland Strong tradition of collaboration in Scotland
Why mandate? Post RAE and pre-REF Universities much more aware of the necessity of managing research outputs effectively Importance of presenting an institution’s research output from a stable, OAI compliant, central database rather than distributed over thousands of static web pages Greater awareness of the increased dissemination and impact of research publications made available freely over the internet
Why mandate? Funding body mandates Wellcome Trust –“The Wellcome Trust … supports unrestricted access to the published output of research as a fundamental part of its charitable mission and a public benefit to be encouraged wherever possible. Specifically, the Wellcome Trust: expects authors of research papers to maximise the opportunities to make their results available for free” –Wellcome Trust now contacting institutions to chase up compliance Research Councils UK –“Ideas and knowledge derived from publicly-funded research must be made available and accessible for public use, interrogation and scrutiny, as widely, rapidly and effectively as practicable”
Thesis mandates Scotland ahead of the rest of the UK in this area Three Scottish JISC FAIR projects in covered e theses (Theses Alive!, Electronic Theses and DAEDALUS) Thesis mandates at Robert Gordon, St Andrews, Stirling, Edinburgh and Glasgow Helped pave the way for mandates for research material
Repositories in Scotland Currently there are five open access mandates in Scottish Universities: –University of Edinburgh -OpenAccess.pdf –University of Glasgow –Napier University –Queen Margaret University –University of Stirling More than in rest of the United Kingdom according to ROARMAP – Different models in each institution
What next for the repository scene in Scotland? New bid to current JISC call, ERIS (Enhancing Repository Infrastructure in Scotland) –Focus on what researchers want –Focus on supporting research pooling Scottish repository managers group to be hosted by SCURL Council on Open Access to be set up to take forward political and cultural arguments