“Excelsior Cup” 19th Century Vintage Base Ball Tournament June 14, 2013 The Living History Club is challenging the 7th grade teams to a “gentleman’s game ”of Base Ball using the Rules of The team will demonstrate the game as part of GFMS Civil War Day. Huzzah !
Funding Provided By: Freelife, International
Base Ball (Two Words in the 19 th Century) “Base Ball will take our people out-of-doors, fill them with oxygen, give them a larger physical stoicism. Tend to relieve us from being a nervous, dyspeptic set. Repair these losses, and be a blessing to us.” - Walt Whitman
Base Ball: Made in New York New York State has made the most contributions to the “National Pastime”
Base Ball Field Union Grounds Brooklyn, NY
Excelsior Cup – Knowledge Test 1. Base Ball Origins 2. Excelsior Cup 3. Rules of 1862 Base Ball 4. Play Ball! 5. A Gentlemen’s Game 6. Community Celebration th century Legacy
1. Base Ball’ Origins Doubleday Myth: Doubleday's invention of baseball was invented by baseball, in a sense. People claimed that he invented the game in 1839 in Cooperstown, NY. He was actually attending West Point in 1839!
1. Base Ball’s Origins Most serious scholars of the game agree that base ball was not invented but evolved from other existing games, most notably cricket and rounder's.
1. Base Ball Origins Knickerbocker Club - wrote the rules in 1843 Played at Elysian Field in Hoboken, NJ
1. Base Ball Origins National Association of Base Ball Players Annual Convention in New York City – Cooper Union Players did not get paid! – amateurs
1. Base Ball’s Origins National Association of Base Ball Players President is Doc Adams Cooper Union, NYC
1. Base Ball Origins Telegraph, Railroads and the Civil War Spread the game from New York to the country.
2. “Excelsior Cup” Base Ball is played during the Civil War by Soldiers and civilian clubs Money is raised by towns by hosting base ball tournaments to help Union Soldiers.10 admission is charged to raise money at the Union Grounds in Brooklyn
2. “Excelsior Cup” The 7 th grade plays a tournament that is modeled after a tournament played in 1862 to raise money for the Union Troops The game is based on: Knowledge Presentation Sportsmanship Excellence
2. “Excelsior Cup” This tournament is assisted by the modern day organization dedicated to re-creating 19 th century Base Ball Vintage Base Ball Association
2. “Excelsior Cup” “Father of Base Ball” Henry Chadwick Stressed the importance of base ball being a gentlemen’s game. Published Beadle-Dime Base Ball Player
3. Play Ball General Rules: The bases must be four in number, placed thirty yards from each other, and must each cover one square foot of surface. The first, second, and third bases shall be canvas bags, painted white, and filled with sand or sawdust; the home base and pitcher's point to be each marked by a flat circular iron plate, painted or enameled white. Rules and Regulations of the Game of Base Ball Adopted by the National Association of Base-Ball Players March 14, 1860
3. Play Ball The rules were adopted at an annual convention held at Cooper Union, NYC The winning team would be awarded a game ball Foul ball caught on a bounce is an out Home team is winning in the bottom of the ninth but will still get a turn at bat
3. Play Ball
3. Play Ball! No Gloves! Run is called an Ace! Striker is a batter! Foul balls are not strikes Sliding is allowed in 1862 Runner may not overrun 1 st base Caught on bounce is an out! Pitcher throws underhand No infield fly rule Leading is allowed
4. Base Ball Slang
Part 5 – A Gentlemen’ s Game Participants are gentlemen would do not argue with each other or are critical of each others game
Gentlemen’s Game No arguing! Only Captain can speak! No profanity Fines can be issued by club for breaking rules Club members must pay monthly dues
Part 6 – Community Celebration - National Anthem is 1 st played before match in Brooklyn in 1862
6. Community Celebration Union Grounds, Brooklyn NY 1 st enclosed Ball Park in America
6. Community Celebration Keeping the Tradition alive, the Excelsior Cup collects money for the Wounded Warriors!
6. Community Celebration From the beginning of Base Ball New York State has made the most contributions to the game!
Roles – Excelsior Cup June 14 th, 2013 Mutual Club - Team 7A 9 Players Atlantic Club - Team 7B 9 Players Brooklyn Stars – Team 7C 9 Players 1 Groundskeeper/Equipment Manager 1 Score keeper 3 Presenters – one for each team 1 Abraham Lincoln Re-enactor 1 Clara Barton 95 th Infantry Union Army Civil War 2 AV Producers
Excelsior Cup Criteria Knowledge Test Presentation Sportsmanship/Authenticity Excellence Game 1 – Mutual vs. Stars Game 2 - winner (1) vs. Atlantics
Schedule Per. 1 and Per. 2 – Team 7B Per. 3 and Per. 4 – Team 7A Per. 5 and Per. 6 – Team 7C Per. 7 – Lunch Break Per. 8 – Awards Ceremony Per. 9 – Clean up
Timeline May 7- TEST May 9 - PRACTICE with Martin May 14 - Practice May 21 - Practice June 20, 2014 Civil War Day