Seite 1 Seite Seite 1 CDM in Egypt Potentials and Projects Presentation by Dr. Paul H. Suding, GTZ MENA Carbon Forum 2009 Cairo,
Seite 2 Seite 2 GHG Sources and Sinks; CDM projects Egypt 06/05 /2009 Suding CDM in Egypt CDM pipeline (Mt of CO2Eq/a) (number of projects) CO 2 Eq (Mt of CO2) Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks CDM Portfolio ap/ac/pip DNA website C/PDD/ PIN UN reg/cor/i n val 2008/091990/91 ~ 8 Mt 12/40/20 ~ 6 Mt 2/10/12 3,1 M t 4/1/ Total Egypt 9/29/181/8/92/1/ ,728 1.All Energy (Fuel Combustion + Fugitive Emissions) 1/6/-1/1/21/ ,2762. Industrial Processes Solvent and Other Product Use ,9134. Agriculture -/1/--/-/1-?-9,9005. Land Use Change & Forestry 2/4/2-/1/-1/18-125,6916. Waste --?-7. Transport
Seite 3 Seite 3 CDM Projects Energy 06/05 /2009 Suding CDM in Egypt Not in portfolio (VER, Idea, PoA..) CDM pipeline (number of projects) CDM Projects Egypt CDM Portfolio ap/ac/pip DNA: C/PDD/P IN UN reg/cor/i n val 9/29/18 1/8/92/1/6All Energy (Fuel Combustion + Fugitive Emissions) xxx5/3/11/3/21/-/31. Renewable Energy xxx3/4/5-/3/31/1/2 2. Industrial Efficiency (cogen, waste heat..) xxx----/-/-- 3. Other efficiency (Buildings, Tourism, power, public sector…) xx1/21/9-/2/4-/-/14. Industry fuel switch xx-/1/--/-/- 5. Transport fuel switch x/-/3-/-/-6. Agriculture solid waste for energy xxx--7. Other (flare gas capture…)
Seite 4 Seite 4 Project Ideas not in DNA Pipeline Program of Activities, Large Scale or Small Scale Projects for: Compact Fluorescent Lamps in residential, commercial or public sector Solar Water Heaters in tourism Motor Systems in industry Charcoal kilns Voluntary Emission Reduction (VER) Existing Wind Park Excedents (over contracted CDM) of wind and solar renewable Composting 06/05 /2009 Suding CDM in Egypt
Seite 5 Seite 506/05 /2009 Suding CDM in Egypt CDM Project Profile Efficient Light Bulbs Project Title Distribution of Efficient Light Bulbs to Households in Egypt Project Type Energy efficiency – demand side Project DeveloperElectricity Distribution Companies Objective of the Project Distribution of 6 million compact fluorescent lamps to esidential customers. With this, the electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced significantly. Technology applied Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) Host Country / Region Egypt, Cairo CDM Methodology Approved baseline and monitoring methodology: Distribution of efficient light bulbs to households (AM Version 2) Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project activity categories : Demand-side energy efficiency activities for specific technologies (AMS. II C - Version 11) Demand-side activities for efficient lighting technologies (AMS. II J - Version 2) Selected Crediting Period10 years Starting DateLate 2009 Expected Emission Reductions1.8 Million tons CO 2 -equivalent over the lamp life time Expected Carbon Revenue14.4 Million US $ Egypt
Seite 6 Seite 606/05 /2009 Suding CDM in Egypt CDM Project Profile Waste Heat Recovery Project Title Waste Heat Recovery from gas turbine generators Project Type Energy Efficiency - Waste gas based energy systems Project DeveloperPrivate Company from Egypt Objective of the Project Reduction of fuel consumption by using waste heat from gas turbine to reduce CO 2 emissions and save operating costs. The fuel gas for process heating will be substituted by energy from the waste heat stream. With this the activity will increase the plants thermal efficiency. Technology appliedInstallation of waste heat recovery units in the exhaust gas of the gas turbine. Host Country / RegionEgypt, El Behera, Idku CDM Methodology Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project activity categories AMS III.Q: Waste Energy Recovery (gas/heat/pressure) Projects Selected Crediting Period3x7 years Starting DateLate 2009 Expected Emission Reductions tons CO 2 -equivalent Expected Carbon Revenue8 Million US $ This project profile is provided by the Egyptian German High Level Joint Committee for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection (JCEE) and Perspectives Climate Change GmbH. The described project activity illustrates a potential scenario of a CDM project in Egypt. If you are planning to set up a CDM project activity in Egypt and want to learn more about how JCEE can support your CDM services please contact us.
Seite 7 Seite 706/05 /2009 Suding CDM in Egypt CDM Project Profile Landfill Gas Project Title Gas recovery and flaring project in a new landfill in order to reduce CH 4 emissions Project TypeWaste management – CH 4 recovery from landfills and flaring Project DeveloperPrivate Company from Egypt Objective of the Project The project objective is to maximize the capture of landfill gas (LFG) from a new landfill site. In addition to reducing the potential local impacts of odors and fire hazard associated with landfill gas, the project aims at reducing the fugitive emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas which contributes to global warming and climate change. Technology applied Installation of enhanced landfill gas extraction and flaring equipment for the destruction of the landfill methane. Host Country / RegionEgypt, Sharkeya, Belbeis CDM Methodology Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project activity categories AMS-III.G version 6: “Landfill methane recovery” Selected Crediting Period10 years Starting DateStart of construction in summer 2009 Expected Emission Reductions tons CO 2 -equivalent Expected Carbon Revenue2.4 Million US $ This project profile is provided by the Egyptian German High Level Joint Committee for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection (JCEE) and Perspectives Climate Change GmbH. The described project activity illustrates a potential scenario of a CDM project in Egypt. If you are planning to set up a CDM project activity in Egypt and want to learn more about how JCEE can support your CDM services please contact us. CDM Project Profile Landfill Gas Project Title Gas recovery and flaring project in a new landfill in order to reduce CH 4 emissions Project TypeWaste management – CH 4 recovery from landfills and flaring Project DeveloperPrivate Company from Egypt Objective of the Project The project objective is to maximize the capture of landfill gas (LFG) from a new landfill site. In addition to reducing the potential local impacts of odors and fire hazard associated with landfill gas, the project aims at reducing the fugitive emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas which contributes to global warming and climate change. Technology applied Installation of enhanced landfill gas extraction and flaring equipment for the destruction of the landfill methane. Host Country / RegionEgypt, Sharkeya, Belbeis CDM Methodology Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project activity categories AMS-III.G version 6: “Landfill methane recovery” Selected Crediting Period10 years Starting DateStart of construction in summer 2009 Expected Emission Reductions tons CO 2 -equivalent Expected Carbon Revenue2.4 Million US $ This project profile is provided by the Egyptian German High Level Joint Committee for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection (JCEE) and Perspectives Climate Change GmbH. The described project activity illustrates a potential scenario of a CDM project in Egypt. If you are planning to set up a CDM project activity in Egypt and want to learn more about how JCEE can support your CDM services please contact us.
Seite 8 Seite 806/05 /2009 Suding CDM in Egypt Egyptian German High Level Joint Committee for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection Postal Address c/o German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) GmbH 4d, El Gezirah – Street, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt Office Address: JCEE Secretariat within in NREA compound Dr. Ibrahim Aboulnaga Street (ext of Abbas Elakad Street), Nasr City, Cairo Tel , Fax