The Second New Deal Takes Hold Chapter 15 Section 2 Based on the textbook The Americans, 2006
The Second Hundred Days FDR was reelected in 1936 Eleanor Roosevelt –Social reformer
The Soil Conservation & Domestic Allotment Act Replaced AAA Paid farmers for cutting production of soil depleting crops
Resettlement Administration Provided monetary loans to small farmers to buy land
Farm Security Administration (FSA) Replaced Resettlement Administration Loaned $1 billion to tenant farmers Established camps for migrant workers Hired photographers
Works Progress Administration (WPA) $11 billion & 8 million workers Built 850 airports, constructed or repaired 651,000 miles of road, 125,000 public buildings
Works Progress Administration (WPA) 300 million garments for the needy Created guides to cities, collected historical slave narratives, painted murals, and theater troupes
National Youth Administration (NYA) Provided education, jobs, counseling and recreation Provided student aid in exchange for part-time work
Wagner Act AKA National Labor Relations Act Reestablished collective bargaining Prohibited unfair labor practices Set up the National Relations Labor Board
Fair Labor Standards Act hour/week 25 /hour minimum wage Rules for workers under 16 Banned hazardous work for those under 18
Social Security Act 1935 Old-age insurance for retirees 65+ & their spouses Unemployment compensation Aid to families with dependent children and the disabled
Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Financed and worked with electrical cooperatives to bring electricity to isolated areas
Public Utility Holding Company Act 1935 Outlawed ownership of utilities by multiple holding companies