1969 Edition By: Sean Jaquez & Ardyn Allessie
Introduction ❖ Intended for all 8th grade level students ❖ Schedule of 45 minute afternoon social studies classes ❖ Our “Back to The Future: 1969 Edition” curriculum unit seeks to teach students about the Tinker Vs. Des Moines Court case over the course of one week through small group work, videos, and debates. ❖ We want these students, who are very close in age to the students who helped make this court case happen, to realize the importance of their individual rights. ❖ Over the course of one week we are going to not only cover the case itself, but touch on the Vietnam War that was occurring at the same time, and the Bill of Rights.
Objectives ❖ Students will learn about the Bill of Rights and identify its relevance to their everyday lives. ❖ Students will learn to think critically of the draft regarding the Vietnam War and see how the Vietnam War contributed to the Tinker v. Des Moines case of ❖ Students will analyze the Tinker Vs. Des Moines case of 1969 and connect it to the Bill of Rights. ❖ Students will be able to express their opinions about the Tinker Vs. Des Moines Case through debates.
Framework Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences Bloom’s TaxonomyTheories of Learning ❖ Interpersonal Intelligence ❖ Create ❖ Evaluate ❖ Analyze ❖ Apply ❖ Understand ❖ Remember ❖ John Dewey ( ) ❖ Elliot Aronson’s (1978) Jigsaw Technique
Standards Taken From Connecticut State Department of Education State Standards Social Studies: Grade 8-Change, Continuity, and Context ❖ HIST 8.1 “Analyze connections among events and developments in historical contexts.” Grade 8-Perspectives ❖ HIST 8.3 “Analyze multiple factors that influence the perspectives of people during different historical eras.” Grade 8-Causation and Argumentation ❖ HIST 8.9 “Explain multiple causes and effects of events and developments in the past.”
Day One Activity -Students will begin class with a video on explaining the Bill of Rights (5 min). -Students will be broken up into heterogeneous groups and explain what they learned from the video (10 min). -In those groups the students will receive a scenario. Each group’s task is to find out which amendment correlates with the scenario (20 minutes). -Class discussion about scenarios and Bill of Rights (10 min)
Day Two Activity -Students will watch a video on the draft regarding the Vietnam War. (5 mins) -Students will then be broken up into smaller heterogenous groups where they will answer the question, “do you think the draft was taking away individual’s rights?” (15 min) -Students will spend rest of class completing the “Letter to Lyndon B. Johnson” Assignment. (25 min) -Homework: If assignment is not finished in class, students will complete it at home
Weekly Lesson Day 3 -Students will read an article on the Tinker Vs. Des Moines case. (10 mins) -Then they will be split into three different groups. (25 min) -Two students from each group will explain what they focused on. (10 min) Day 4 -Students will be split into different roles: judges, administrators, students, and parents. (10 min) -Rest of class time to prepare for debate. (35 min) Day 5 - Students will practice their roles. (5 min) -Students will enact Tinker v. Des Moines. (20-25 min) -Reflection on the entire week through class discussion and free-write (10-15 min)
Evaluation ❖ Class participation plays a large role in how students are graded. They will be evaluated based on their overall participation and engagement in the classroom based on the criteria in the rubric. ❖ Students will also be graded on multiple worksheets throughout the week. The worksheets will be graded on effort and completion.
Participation Rubric Attendance/ Promptness Students is always prompt and never misses a class in the week. Students is late more than once but never misses a class. Student is late to more than two classes and misses a class. Student is late to all classes and missed more than one class. Level of Engagement in ClassStudent proactively contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions more than once per class. Student proactively contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions once per class. Student rarely contributed to class by offering ideas and asking questions. Student never contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions. Listening SkillsStudent listens when others talk, both in groups and in class. Student incorporates or builds off of the ideas of others Students listens when others talk, both in groups and in class. Student does not listen when others talk, both in groups and in class. Student does not listen when others talk, both in groups and in class. Student often interrupts when others speak. BehaviorStudent almost never displays disruptive behavior during class. Student rarely displays disruptive behavior during class. Student occasionally displays disruptive behavior during class Student almost always displays disruptive behavior during class. PreparationStudent is almost always prepared for class with assignments and required class materials. Student is usually prepared for class with assignments and required class materials. Student is rarely prepared for class with assignments and required class materials. Student is almost never prepared for class with assignments and required class materials
Resources Worksheet on Bill of Rights: Bill of Rights Scenarios: Lesson-with-Answer-Key.pdf Draft-Worksheet: Draft Video: Rubric: bycollege/cfa/tools/participationrubric-cfa.pdf Tinker Vs. Des Moines: student-expression