America moves onto a world stage The 20 th Century is known as the “AMERICAN Century”
Imperialism 5.1 When a stronger country takes over a weaker country in order to become stronger militarily, to gain markets for goods or to increase their status, like having the best car in the neighborhood. In 1898 all of the great European powers have an empire ( colonies). The greatest imperial power is Great Britain. Great Britain controls India, Australia, and most of Africa. In 1898, only 2 African nations are free from European Control, Ethiopia and Liberia. In 1898, the US has no overseas colonies but some Americans like TR, want the US to get involved in the race for empire.
Other “ isms” Isolationism- When a country does not involve itself in the affairs of other countries and around the world. This was our policy until Interventionism- The policy that means a country gets involved in world affairs. This could mean going to war or intervening in a war like we are currently doing in the Middle East. This is the US policy today. We are very involved in world affairs.
General Motivation for US expansion The need for raw materials to fuel the rapid growth of industry. A good example is rubber for auto tires and drive belt for industry. Additional markets to sell goods that are being produced by American Industry and farms. Increase American military power. We want to be equal to the great powers of Europe like GB, Germany, France and Russia. Spread American ideas, progress and Christianity.
Economic Motivation Many businessmen and government leaders wanted colonies in order to gain more land, wealth, and resources We wanted colonies so that we could sell goods to the people of these colonies. Having colonies would provide natural resources needed for industrial production.
Cultural motivations Americans thought we should spread Christianity to other people of the world. Some Americans thought we were racially superior to some people of the world and was our responsibility to spread progress and our superior progress. “ White Man’s Burden” Poem by English writer Rudyard Kipling. He also wrote “ The Jungle Book” which was set in British controlled India.
The Spanish-American War 5.2 The United States went to war in 1898 against Spain. It was a short war lasting only 4 months. The United States won this “ splendid little war” as it was called by one American but it had very large consequences. The victory meant the US was now a world power and as a result of the victory the United States gained an overseas empire.
Competition with the European Nations The United States wanted to be recognized as a power like the great European Powers. For that to happen,we needed colonies around the world to serve as bases for American Power.
Cuban Revolution In 1898, Cuba,Puerto Rico the Philippines and Guam were part of the Spanish Empire. The Spanish American war began because the Cuban people were rebelling against Spain. We supported Cuba because they were our neighbor and we did not like Spain interfering in our part of the world. ( Remember the Monroe Doctrine)
Yellow Journalism Two American newspaper giants, Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst were publishing articles about how terrible the Spanish were treating the Cuban people. They reported that thousands were being killed in Cuba. These reports were highly exaggerated. This is called “yellow journalism”.
The sinking of the US Battleship Maine In 1898, President McKinley sent a US warship, Maine, to Havana, Cuba. One night it mysteriously exploded killing 260 Americans. The “Yellow Press” claimed that it was the work of the Spanish. It was probably an accident. The US declared war on Spain. The war lasted 4 months.
Significance of War The American victory meant that the US had emerged as a world power. As a result we had an empire. Cuba and Puerto Rico in the Atlantic and the Philippines and Guam in the Pacific all became American possessions. It meant we needed a modern navy to supervise our colonies. The victory meant that we needed a canal to quickly move from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean. In 1903 we began construction of the Panama Canal. It was completed in 1914.
Anti Imperialism League Many Americans were opposed to imperialism. They did believe that Americans had the right to control people of other nations. They felt it went against American principles and ideals, like “All men are created equal”. They believed that we should give immediate independence to Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam.
What territory did the US gain? Cuba- Independent today and Communist. We have a naval base there called Guantanamo Bay. There is a prison there where we keep captured terrorist. Philippines- Independent Puerto Rico- self governing commonwealth. Guam-self governing commonwealth.
American Empire