By Tim Akpuda and Joshua Oyeleke
F LUTE F ACTS A Flute is apart of the wood wind family. The Flute was found 43,000 to 35,000 years ago and have been found in the Swabia region of Germany. These Flutes demonstrate that a developed musical tradition existed from the earliest period of modern human presence in Europe. The Flute is made from a mammoths tusk. A three-holed Flute is 18.7 cm long. Some early flutes were made out of shin bones. Standard concert Flute is pitched in the key of C, and has a range of approximately 3 octaves
T HE H ISTORY O F T HE F LUTE The Flute refers to a broad number of instruments which are found in many different cultures. There are many names for the flute. These names include: cross flute, German flute, transverse flute and flauto traverso. A flute dating back to approximately 900 B.C. was found in China and called a ch'ie. To date, the oldest flutes have been found in the Swabian Alb region of Germany, and are said to have been from about 43,000 to 35,000 years ago.
W HERE D OES T HE F LUTE S IT I N T HE O RCHESTRA Where the red arrow is shows where the flutes are positioned in the woodwind family during the orchestra.
H OW T HE F LUTE I S P LAYED The flute usually played at pitch C. There are buttons to change the tune you also have to blow in it.
F EEDBACK Good information particularly in relation to Flutes role in the Orchestra Detailed diagram of the Flute EBI – Perhaps provide a link to a famous piece of Flute music for us to watch. B – Mr O’Sullivan