Discrimination against Jews in interwar Europe
1933 Boycott of Jewish businesses Non-Aryans cannot serve in military Book burning of non-German authors (including Helen Keller) Jews forbidden from working in the arts (Film, Theater, Broadcasting, Music, etc) Jews forbidden from being journalists Cannot join labor unions Cannot inherit or pass down farms
1934 Jewish people banned from getting health insurance Armed forces cannot marry non-Aryans Newspaper campaigns begin (Jewish doctors murder Christian children)
1935-Nuremberg Laws
1936 Signs taken down for Olympics The Eternal Jew comes out… ThjChaIdsG35oZvdnjGvaLft ThjChaIdsG35oZvdnjGvaLft
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1938 Utilization of Jewish property Banned from public schools Jews banned from public spaces Passports stamped Middle names changed Arrests begin Kristallnacht US accepted 25,000 out of 127,000 applicants 32 countries met to discuss refugees. US only came once promised they wouldn’t have to accept more than they already were. (depression—people feared immigrants would take their jobs)
1939 Jews in Nazi territory must wear yellow star
1939-St. Louis Ship St. Louis left Europe with 937 Jews, mostly from the Third Reich. They had Cuban entrance visas (permission to enter the country). Many people travelled easily between the US and Cuba at that time. Many of these people probably hoped to enter the US too. The US heard about the ship and put pressure on the Cuban government to not let the passengers get off the ship in Cuba. 28 people were allowed to get off the ship, the rest were sent back to Europe. When they sailed past the lights of Miami, many passengers sent cables begging Pres. Roosevelt to give them refuge. He never responded. 254 of those passengers died in the holocaust. Others were taken in by countries not occupied by the Nazis (like Britain)
1940 Warsaw ghetto walled in Auschwitz opened
1941 Einsatzgruppen created Western Jews deported to ghettos Gassing starts at first death camp (Chelmno)
1942 More death camps open Mass deportation of Jews to death camps begins
1943 Chelmno and Treblinka finish work. Death camps are torn down and crime covered up. Roma (Gypsies) sent to concentration camps
1944 Death march from Auschwitz starts Hungarian Jews sent to camps US refuses to bomb concentration camps
1945 Auschwitz liberated by Soviets Western camps liberated by Britain and American troops