HeadHead Come to a head Give one his head Go to one’s head Head and shoulders above Head off Head over heels Heads up
Keep one’s head Keep one’s head above water Make head or tail of One’s head off Out of one’s head Over one’s head Put heads together I Meanings Of Head In Bible
1.Of rivers: designates the beginning point, Gn.2:10 2.Most essential part of the body: where calamity and blessing come (Gn.49:26) * Where hands are laid (Gn.48:14) 3. Hands laid on sacrificial animal’s head: transfers sins, Ex.29:15
4. The beginning (head) of months: Ex.12:2 5. Most favored nation status: Dt.28:13 6. Blood on one’s head: shows responsibility for an act 2 Sm.1:…16 Ac.18:6
7. Position of a teacher: 2 K.2:3 (ASV) (Ac 22:3) 8. Anointing the head: sign of joy, hospitality... (Ps.23:5) 9. Capital / Prince of a country: Is.7:8 10. Leaders are heads: Is.9:14-16
II What Head Means To Us 1. Gn.3:…15, victory over satan Curse not limited to one snake Not war between snakes & people Serpent and woman and their seed at enmity Male seed of woman to bruise his head. Lk.10:…19; Jn.8:44; 1 Jn.3:8; Rv.12:7-9. Ro.16:20
Bruising the head / heel Christ bruises satan’s head To injure gravely How? Destroy his power over mankind (Ac.26:18) Satan bruises his heel God made salvation of man depend on death of Christ Hb.2:14-15
2. Lord’s Poverty, Mt.8:20 Miraclesdeity Miracles revealed His deity Povertyhumanity Poverty revealed His humanity He can offer no warm home... Was the scribe willing to endure such deep poverty (19)? Ru.1:16-17 Lk.9:51
3. Lord’s Providence, Mt.10: : martyrdom is not a tragedy Context: v. 27 Never fear the foe; only God Rv.20:4 Decapitation, the ultimate disgrace They lived and reigned w. Christ… By losing their lives, they gained
Mt.10: : He cares for a bird Diocletian determined prices 30 30: Men count valuable things Mt.14:8-10 Shameless mother and daughter knew Herod’s weak points
John: the reality Not the tragedy of a life lost, but: 1. The Lord’s providence No miracle delivered him 2. John’s conviction He rotted in prison and died; would not compromise Some things are worth dying for
4. Mary’s Sacrifice, Mt.26:7 She did more than praise Him When you do your best, from purest motives, and the Lord accepts your service, don’t expect all brethren to approve Nothing was too good for the Lord Mt.26:10, 13
5. Lord’s Suffering and Humiliation, Mt.27:29-30 Contrasts sharply w. the anointing of Mary A thorny crown Mt.27:39
6. Title, Mt.27:37 The ultimate sacrifice