NAVFAC PACIFIC March st North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference National Military Fish and Wildlife Association Marine Conservation Session Coral Reefs and the DOD: A Rising Concern and an Opportunity to Adapt NAVFAC PACIFIC, MARINE RESOURCES
2 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc. 3/10/2015 What are Corals? Rock?Plant?Animal?
3 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc. Complicated Ecology 3/10/2015 Corals are in minute marine animals (polyps) living in a rock-like skeleton made from combining calcium they pull from seawater and carbon dioxide. Coral Polyps have plant symbionts (algae) sequestered in their tissue which provide the majority of energy to sustain life
4 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc. 3/10/2015 Highly synchronized reproductive strategy
5 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc. 3/10/2015 Highly valuable Coral reef ecosystems support a variety of HUMAN needs: FOOD TOURISM MEDICINES Coral reefs form natural barriers that PROTECT SHORELINES INFRASTRUCTURE Although coral reefs cover less than 1% of the Earth’s surface, they are HOME to 25% of all marine fish species. DIVERSITY RESILIANCE fragile
6 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc. 3/10/2015 History
7 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc. 3/10/2015 Coral Reef Policy at DOD The Department of Defense Policy Statement on Executive Order To protect U.S. and International coral reef ecosystems and to avoid impacting coral reefs to the maximum extent feasible. To responsibly manage and restore coral reef ecosystems in carrying out the terms of all laws, regulations, and policies concerning coastal zone management and coral reef protection. To conduct an environmental review of any action likely to affect U.S. coral reef ecosystems in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, EO 12114, and current DoD policies. Mitigating measures are required where coral reef impacts are
8 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc. 3/10/2015 Coral Reef Law
9 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc. costs that action proponents plan in budget & schedule costs that action proponents may not plan for Complete description of action: Area to be affected Type alteration of environment List of alternatives for project Conceive project Are ESA species or critical habitat present? Quality of EFH Complete description of sites to be affected End project Monitoring Site-specific information acquired Time Problem solving (planning, engineering, resource management), env. compliance docs & consultation Clean Water Act 401 & 404 Permits Execute project (avoidance & minimization) Mitigation Baseline Data Recalibrate Baseline
10 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc. Possible Solutions 3/10/2015 INRMP project support Mitigation banks Early engagement of Regulatory Partners Embrace the complexity
11 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc. 3/10/2015 Questions?