Unit 1 – Origins & Migrations What is the is the UN DRIP? Where do Hawaiians come from? How do we know? Painting by Herb Kane 1
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN DRIP) - document for HWST 107 Article 11.1 Indigenous peoples have the right to practise and revitalize their cultural traditions and customs. This includes the right to maintain, protect and develop the past, present and future manifestations of their cultures, such as archeological and historical sites, artefacts, designs, ceremonies, technologies and visual and performing arts and literature. 2
The United Nations (UN) international organization founded in 1945 after WWII by 51 countries consist of 193 countries maintain peace & security to address global issues ational-peace-and-security/index.html 3
Hawaiian Tradition of History - Moʻolelo Oral tradition from family & experts Written tradition from 19 th Century Hawaiian scholars David Malo John Papa Iʻi Samuel Kamakau 4
Polynesian Migrations – kumukahi.org video Around 300 AD from Marquesas First settlers introduced: – Food, plants, and animals (banana, coconut, taro) – Religion and culture – Two basic class structure (commoners & chiefs) 5
Tahitians Arrive Around 11 th & 14 th Centuries Paʻao – Priest – Left Tahiti, due to a dispute with his brother, Lonopele – New system of laws & chiefly hierarchy 6
The Story of Pele Who is she? Class discussion Watch kumukahi.org video on Pele. 7
According to Kumu Kekuhi Kanahele Pele is lava, rock, sulfur, vog, lightning that comes out of the lava, smoke from volcano, etc. Pele makes new land. Pele is all over the world. 8
Pele and Family Left Kahiki Tahiti? A place in South Pacific? 9
Oral and Written Literature Mai Kahiki mai ka wahine o Pele Mai ka ʻaina i Polapola Mai ka punohu ʻula a Kāne Mai ke ao lalapa i ka lani Mai ka ʻōpua lapa i Kahiki Identifies the following: Kahiki as origin Pele & siblings Various elements in nature 10
Pele is past, present & future. 1.A history – left Kahiki (Tahiti) War in homeland Adventurous spirit Natural disasters Fled older sister (dramas) 2.A presence – still honored and exalted Volcano eruptions, smoke, vog Traditional storytelling, hula, songs 3.A family – descendants New land Future Generations 11
Pele Searches for a New Home 12
Peleʻs Connection to Hawaiians Migrant from Kahiki Left homeland Her stories illustrate migration & dramas Made home in Hawaiʻi A member of a family Became a deity Lots of stories 13
Haʻina What is the UN DRIP? Where do Hawaiians come from? How do we know? 14