S.NoUnitTotal Weightage 1 Physical world and Measurement 23 Marks 2 Kinematics 3 Laws of Motion 4 Work, Energy and Power 17 Marks 5 Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body 6 Gravitation 7 Properties of Bulk Matter 20 Marks 8 Heat and Thermodynamics 9 Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases 10 Oscillations and Waves 10 Marks PHYSICS Theory-70M
PHYSICS PAPER-I (THEORY) (Three hours) Part-I: All questions are to be answered i) Multiple choice questions ( 5 X 1) 5M ii) Short answer questions ( 15 X 1)15M Part-II: Essay questions (10 X 5)50M Total: 70M
PHYSICS Practical's and SUPW S.NoPractical's and SUPW Total Weightage 1Practicals 20 Marks 2Practical file 3 Marks 3Project 7 Marks Note: Method of approach of derivations is CALCULUS Method