Exercise Briefly on your own first, and then in 2’s or 3’s, what does the word ‘Spirituality’ mean to you? Together, come up with a definition of Christian Spirituality
Our Spirituality?DCC 4/1 “If you can understand it, it’s not God!” Augustine God cannot be known by thought, but by love Laurence Freeman OSB …I am trying to live a spiritual life - trying to walk in the truth of who I am - one small miracle in the vastness of divine creation.
Some more definitions……. A way of living for God in Christ through the presence & power of the Holy Spirit Michael Downey the art and discipline of living daily in relationship with God and others a way of viewing and experiencing God, self, others & the world the style of our response to Christ
It is how I cope with life! Spirituality is not merely an aspect of Christian life - it IS the Christian life, lived in response to the Spirit It is expressed in the daily decisions and choices and actions - the way we talk to people, who we make friends with, the work we choose, the way we live daily
Catechism: article 2 p 42, para 166 “faith is a personal act, the free response of the human person to the initiative of God who reveals Gods’ self, but faith is not an isolated act. No-one can believe alone.. You have not given yourself faith, just as you have not given yourself life.. Each believer is a link in a great chain of believers.. I cannot believe without being carried by the faith of others, and by my faith, help support others in faith”
Christian Spirituality Rooted in the paschal mystery - the life, death and resurrection of Jesus primacy of love, mandate of forgiveness, necessity of prayer unique to each person: individual and communal life a journey, a path, walking with Christ, continuing through life
Mutual seeking… God and us… ‘Where are you?’ The desire for God is written in the human heart – because we are created by God for God (Vatican 11 Doc on the Church, Lumen Gentium) It is only in GOD that we find truth and happiness that fulfils. “This invitation to converse with God is addressed to US as soon as we come into being… created through love and held in existence by love.”… tirelessly God calls us to this wonderful and mysterious encounter with love…
Roots in Scripture – what can you find? EXERCISE in pairs Roots in Scripture – what can you find? –Old Testament –New Testament That inspires YOUR spirituality? And that of your Parish or Group?
OT insights for spirituality RUAH: Hebrew = ‘Spirit’ ‘breath’ ‘wind’ Principles for living in relationship with God: faithfulness, perseverance, commitment, discipline, trust, love, encouragement Gradual nature of the spiritual journey lost of comparisons with nature, and everyday things of life - reflective living
Jesus embodies the spirit… Jesus insists on………………. Conversion of heart faith beyond sight watchfulness prayer without ceasing humility “ask in my name” “keep my Word” promise of “another counsellor”
Holy Spirit – just as active today! Life in Christ made possible Rom.8:2 Baptism: we are “new creations” 2 Cor 5:17 Life/power of Christ’s Spirit in the church recognised in gifts and fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, fidelity, self-control Rules for holy living as God’s chosen people Colossians 3:12-17
Many different spiritualities In the “communion of saints” many and varied spiritualities have been developed throughout the history of the church. All share in the living tradition of prayer and are guides for the faithful. In their rich diversity,they are “refractions of the one pure light of the Holy Spirit”. (CCC 2684)
Needs of wider community Journey must be our own, but we mature into our true selves only by actually living with others. Part of God’s purpose in fullness of time to gather all things into one in Christ (Ephesians 1.10) Only with each other can we grasp the breadth, length, height and depth and know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge” Ephesians