Formation for Spiritual Advisors
The primary purpose of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – TO INCREASE THE HOLINESS OF ITS MEMBERS
They aspire to burn with the love of God as revealed by Christ and to deepen their own faith and fidelity. New Rule 2.2, p8
Nurtured in faith at home Seasoned by struggle Challenged and encouraged by mentors Influenced by the cultures of two cities Supported by love and friendship Solidly anchored faith led to clarity of vocation – a layman, a husband, an educator, a social activist, a servant FREDERIC
Frederic came to have a strong belief in the LAITY The secular nature of the Society – in 1835 began using the term “the apostleship of the laity” Hurry to this sacred rendezvous where the layman finds himself associated with the priest in the work of redemption.
Emmanuel Bailly assured the spiritual growth of the early young Vincentians. Emmanuel sent them to Sister Rosalie who gave them persons to visit, coupons for bread
Sister Rosalie Rendu The Mother Teresa of the Mouffetard Neighborhood of Paris Loved by the Rich and the Poor
Remember that the poor are more affected by the way assistance is given, than they are by the assistance itself. S. Rosalie Sister Rosalie, Mentor to the early Vincentians
Accomplishments Free clinic Pharmacy School Orphanage Youth club Home for Elderly
HER SECRET, The Vincentian Secret To see the FACE OF CHRIST in the face of every poor person She instructed the early Vincentians to see Christ’s face!
Because you have given… in my name, I open HEAVEN to you.. Enter for all eternity!
Frederic was a professor; many of his students learned more than instruction, many returned home to begin a conference of the SOCIETY.
Frederic grew into a person of all heart He was relational. He valued friendship and love, whether family, friends, students, the poor. He became the leader of a “party of love.”
Dominate with the force of LOVE. (ADAPTED L.135)
Vincent de Paul: Patron Penetrate ourselves with his maxims and traditions. A patron saint should not be a mere signboard to a society. A patron saint should be regarded as a type of which we should strive to pattern ourselves, as he patterned himself on the Divine type, which is Jesus Christ. Frederic
3,000 letters reveal Business acumen Good humor exaggeration wisdom Spiritual insight Sound practical advice Genuine love
Vincent Influenced by spiritual leaders of his day Adapted and/or transformed their thought Kept an originality and freshness by linking this spiritual nourishment to events/circumstances of life : he used down-to-earth and practical methods Conveyed these values/methods to his followers with clarity and conviction
Vincent’s prodigious activity and ceaseless energy was fueled by HIS SPIRITUAL WAY. Vincent linked spirituality with service. He “retied the knot between religion and action.” ( Dodin, Vincent de Paul )
Vincent believed in people! Vincent recognized the GOODNESS OF OTHERS and promoted it Vincent recruited ordinary people and asked of them extraordinary service! He looked for willingness and open hearts! Vincent gathered others to help with his projects. He did not look for STARS but GREW THEM and encouraged them!
Vincent was successful because he empowered individuals – he cultivated MANY INDIVIDUALS. – Louise deMarillac is an example. He saw her gifts ; he called them forth! Together, their passion to help those who suffered was critical to create change in their world!
Louise might say to us: “Do not be upset if things are not as you would want them to be for a long time to come. Do the little you can very peacefully and calmly so as to allow room for the guidance of God in your lives. Do not worry about the rest.” Formation is GOD’S WORK. We are God’s instruments
Vincent and Louise both trusted that Providence was at work; if God’s Will, we will find a way! Blessings, growth signs of God’s Providence at work!
Vincent’s and Louise’s basic assumption was to TRUST IN PROVIDENCE It is the right thing to do; so do it! If it is God’s work, THE WORK would flourish! They were a MAN and a WOMAN ON A MISSION and encouraged others to join in!
They were animators, offered recommendations, attended meetings, offered assistance, encouraged creativity, assured plans were gospel- based, were personally enriched by those who shared their mission Models for Spiritual Advisor
What touched your heart? Time for Sharing of own experience
Good Spiritual Advisors are needed to help the Society be true to its founding spirituality
The rule obliges it! The meeting is held to deal with the affairs of God Because the work can’t survive otherwise Because you practice virtue: patience in bearing with miserable persons Because you will receive an abundance of grace in the same way as the Apostles received the Spirit. Importance of meetings! Spirituality and God’s work!
Vincent encouraged efficiency Records of his meetings indicate great detail! Details were straight-forward, gentle, caring, concerned about both the spiritual and bodily welfare of the poor. Mission clearly articulated and grounded in practical spirituality Organizational structure was simple, effective, and transparent Decision-making included information and insights of all members Great attention to individual gifts
Adult Faith Formation Providing opportunities, within a faith context, for adults to talk with other adults about things that matter. It is sustained, critical conversation Sustained - takes place regularly over an extended period of time Conversation is long enough to allow for genuine interchange of experience, insights and commitments
Participants are invited to examine and talk about: Beliefs and experiences of faith Consider the beliefs and discuss how it interfaces with living a Christian life Physical space Psychic space Temporal space
Adults learn best when: They are treated with respect, as self-directing persons The learning situation is related to their past experiences They can see a value in what they are learning – values are often best communicated through story; when related to life They can see progress, immediate results, and some reward for the time spent
What we want Vincentians to see : The link between their service and holiness Conference members as a faith community Each moment as an opportunity for holiness The face of Christ in everyone served Their ministry is impossible without the Eucharist and regular prayer and reflection, both personally and with other Vincentians l
What are the signs of spiritual growth in Vincentians? Freedom Able to listen to others and be open to other ideas Have realistic expectations of themselves and others Able to choose between several options Can accept life’s setbacks without paralysis Can embrace criticism and disagreement with grace Can work cooperatively with others in activities
Wisdom This is God’s work; not ours. The ability to see things as they are. Lack of illusions, both blessings and challenges. Can adapt to the changing world Love Love inflames others, sets people on fire! Jesus’ love was “servant oriented”- to become first the servant of Jesus Christ, then servant of the poor Love is both affective and effective
The MISSION OF THE SOCIETY will be most authentically accomplished if it remains true to the Charism given to the Church by Vincent de Paul, Frederic Ozanam, and Sister Rosalie
Since the beginning of the Society, a spiritual advisor has been appointed to foster the spiritual life of its members. and to assure that present day Vincentians will TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for the THE MISSION
Vincent frequently asked two questions: What must be done? What must I do? What must be done nationally, regionally, and locally? How can we, as spiritual advisors and formators, facilitate that action?