OASIS IDtrust Member Section June Leung Chair, OASIS IDtrust Member Section Steering Committee
Steering Committee l June Leung l John Bradley l Michael McIntosh, Microsoft l John Sabo, CA l Anil Saldhana, Red Hat
Program Committee n John Bradley, IDtrust Member Section Member (MS) n June Leung - Chair OASIS IDtrust MS n Michael McIntosh - IBM n John Sabo, Computer Associates n Anil Saldhana, Red Hat n Abbie Barbir, Nortel n John Borras, Pensive SA n Debbie Bucci, National Institutes of Health (NIH) n Mary Ruddy, Meristic, Inc. n Don Thibeau, OpenID Foundation n OASIS Staff – Dee Schur, Jane Hanard
IDtrust Member Section n Evolution l PKI Forum (1999) l PKI Member Section (Nov 2002) l IDtrust Member Section (2007) n 37 Sponsors/Contributing Member Organizations
Strategic Focus Areas n Identity and Trust Infrastructure Components l Standards, protocols, cost/benefits, risks n Identity and Trust Policies and Enforcement l Policy issues, policy mapping, assurance n Barriers and Emerging Issues l Data privacy, interoperability, extensible trust n Education and Outreach l White papers, research, conferences, Wiki l idtrust.xml.org
Technical Committees n Digital Signature Services eXtended (DSS-X) - Advancing new profiles for the DSS OASIS Standard n Identity Metasystem Interoperability (IMI) - Advancing interoperability standard for Information Cards n Open Reputation Management Systems (ORMS)- Advancing the ability to use common data formats for representing reputation data n Extensible Resource Identifier (XRI) - Defining a resolution protocol for abstract structured identifiers used to identify and share resources across domains and applications n XRI Data Interchange (XDI) - Creating a standard for sharing, linking, and synchronizing data over the Internet and other networks using XML documents and Extensible Resource Identifiers (XRIs) n Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI) - Defining symmetric key management protocols n Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) - Advancing interoperability standard for enterprise encryption key management