The Council President and the School Principal: Dynamic Duo or Dumb and Dumber???
Respective Roles: zThe principal: ySupervises teachers yHires/fires teachers yMaintains, supervises, develops curriculum yDisciplines yProvides safe environment yEnsures Catholicity yWrites, enforces regulations zThe council president: yPresides at meetings yRepresents the council yNames committees yEnsures written records yGuides policy yOversees budget yProvides evaluations
Principals’ Problem Areas zInforming the Council re: pertinent matter zInservicing the Council on school’s mission zRelationship with council president and members zMaintaining clear lines of responsibility
Council chairs’ problems zClear lines of responsibility z Micromanagement zEvaluating the relationship with administrator zUnderstanding the business of school
Other problem areas: zConfidentiality zAuthority zMeetings: make-up of agenda, prioritizing items, record-keeping zMutual support zCommunication zLong-range planning zRelationship to parish, diocese zRelationship to diocesan council
Some solutions: zEstablish and maintain clear lines of communication zEstablish and maintain clear lines of authority and responsibility zKeep information current zEstablish and maintain rules for confidentiality zKeep meetings on point
Some more solutions zEstablish a timeline for the make-up and distribution of the agenda zEstablish a procedure for orienting new members zMaintain the effectiveness of council committees zKeep accurate records zIn-service parents and others as to the function of the council zPeriodically review policies, procedures and practices
Even MORE solutions zMake public the mutual support of council and principal zMake sure that the Council is present at important functions, and identified as such zPeriodically evaluate the meetings of the Council zMake sure that what goes on in the Council room stays in the Council room zStick to decisions zHave some fun
Finally... You can be the Dynamic Duo or Dumb and Dumber: make your resolutions and stick to them.