HB 4 An act relating to automated external defibrillators
Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) Sudden Cardiac Arrest is a leading cause of death in the United States, resulting in approximately 350,000 deaths per year. Most common cause is a disorder of the heart rhythm called ventricular fibrillation (VF). Ventricular fibrillation is an "electrical problem" in the heart. For each minute Sudden Cardia Arrest is untreated by defibrillation Survival chances decreases 7 % per minute in the first 3 minutes and 10 % per minute after the first 3 minutes. 2
Simplicity of AED Operation 3 Automatic external defibrillators, (AEDs), are automated medical devices that can be safely used by an untrained bystander to restore a normal cardiac rhythm in someone who is in sudden cardiac arrest. When it is turned on, the device provides step-by-step verbal and written instructions. These devices have an impressive success rate.
Video of AED Operation 4
Purpose of HB 5 Individuals who use an AED are protected under the Good Samaritan law; however, building owners and institutions are not. Removing certain conditions and requirements will increase the number of AEDs in our communities.
The Future of AEDs 6
Thank You For Your Support 7
Video Links on YouTube AED Automated Defibrillator voice prompts TU Delft - Ambulance Drone 8