Lesson 4 Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies Objectives To understand the governing laws of the sorority
Foundation to Build On
Governing laws of Phi Sigma Rho are located in the back of the Member Manual Includes –Constitution –Bylaws –Policies Documents are also found on the national website Where to Find Important Documents
Constitution Objectives of the sorority should be held as the highest ideals –To foster and provide the broadening experience of sorority living with its social and moral challenges and responsibilities for the individual and the chapter –To develop the highest standard of personal integrity and character –To promote academic excellence and support personal achievement, while providing a social balance –To aid the individual in the transition from the academic environment to the professional community –To maintain sorority involvement with the alma mater and the community through responsible participation –To maintain the bond of sisterhood with alumnae members though communication, consultation and participation in sorority functions
Amendments to the constitution can be proposed at national convention meetings Written petitions can also be sent to national council for amendments All amendments must be approved by a three-fourth vote of national convention membership Amending the Constitution
Rules made by organizations to guide the actions of their members Phi Sigma Rho’s national bylaws include sections on –Insignia –Ritual –Membership –Organization –Finances and Property –Chapter Operation –Discipline –Honors –Amendments National ritual is entrusted to the National President and Vice President of Standards Bylaws
Full time student studying engineering or engineering technology –Other majors must be approved by National Council No affiliations with any other social sorority Cumulative GPA of at least 2.0/4.0 Responsibilities include –To follow the rules and regulations of the risk management policy and any procedures to implement the risk management policy –To faithfully discharge her financial obligation to the sorority and, if applicable, to the chapter or organization –To observe the oath and obligation taken at the time of her initiation Membership
Colonies –Can be established on the authority of the national council –Installation requirements Abide by all requirements outlined in the bylaws Be in existence for at least 6 months and no more than 2 years Maintain 10 active members Organization – Active Chapters
Alumnae Association –Chapter-specific groups of alumnae Purdue-Alpha Chapter Alumnae Association –Petitioned for recognition by the national organization –Elect officers –Spokesperson may cast ballots at national convention Organization - Alumnae Organizations
Alumnae organizations other than chapter alumnae associations –Area-specific groups of alumnae Cincinnati-Dayton Alumnae Organization –Petitioned for recognition by the national organization –Does not elect officers –Does not vote at national convention Organization - Alumnae Organizations
Responsible for their own bylaws and policies, as approved by national council Chapter should have at least one faculty and alumni advisor for each active chapter at all times Chapter Operation
Executive board for each chapter must include the following members, all of which are to be elected for one-year terms: –President –Vice President –Secretary –Treasurer –Social Chair The Standards Board, under the direction of the Vice President, consists of four members who oversee the bylaws and their enforcement Chapter Operation
National Council, President, or Vice President of Collegiate Affairs has the power to give formal warnings to any chapter failing to comply with their responsibilities National Council or President has the power to place a chapter on probation that is not to exceed two years Only National Council can suspend a chapter’s charter until the next national convention –National Council must pass a three-fourths vote –Upon passing, the National Organization confiscates all ritual materials and the chapter no longer exists at the university campus –Alumnae of an expelled or suspended chapter shall not lose any rights or privileges as members of the sorority Discipline
New Member Eligibility and Education –Legacies and Recruitment Chapter must receive a letter announcing a potential new member as a legacy Legacy must be invited to all rush events and is guaranteed consideration for the membership class Risk Management –Drugs and Alcohol Chapters must attend two Drug and Alcohol Awareness programs per year –Hazing and Harassment Policies
Used to –Supplement expenses incurred in colonization –Support National Council activities –Supply chapters and colonies with necessary membership materials –Supplement other administrative expenses incurred by the National Council National Treasury
Next Week Knowledge Assessment –Bylaws and policies