ANSYS Basics Workshop 3A Introductory Workshop
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-2 3A. Introductory Workshop ANSYS Basics In this workshop, we will exercise some of the basic ANSYS concepts, such as resuming an existing database file, plotting entities, manipulating the view, clearing the database, and creating a few entities.
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-3 1.Enter ANSYS in the working directory specified by your instructor using “file” as the jobname. 2.Resume the “wheel.db1” database file and plot volumes: –Utility Menu > File > Resume from… –Utility Menu > Plot > Volumes [VPLOT] 3.Plot the following solid model entities: –Utility Menu > Plot > Keypoints > Keypoints [KPLOT] –Utility Menu > Plot > Lines [LPLOT] –Utility Menu > Plot > Areas [APLOT] 3A. Introductory Workshop ANSYS Basics
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-4 4.Turn areas and volumes off under Multi-Plot Controls and then generate a multi-plot: –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Multi-Plot Controls … [OK] Turn Areas, Volumes, and Nodes “Off” [OK] –Utility Menu > Plot > Multi-Plots [GPLOT] 3A. Introductory Workshop ANSYS Basics
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-5 5.Open the Pan-Zoom-Rotate menu: –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Pan, Zoom, Rotate... 6.Experiment with the buttons on the Pan, Zoom, Rotate menu. 7.Activate “Dynamic Mode” and pan, zoom, and rotate the model using the three mouse buttons. 8.Deactivate “Dynamic Mode” and then dynamically pan, zoom, and rotate the model by holding down the control key “Ctrl” and using the three mouse buttons. 9.Display an isometric view of the entire model: –[Iso] –[Fit] –Or issue: /VIEW,,1,1,1 /AUTO /REPLOT 10.Clear the database: –Utility Menu > File > Clear & Start New … –Or issue: /CLEAR 3A. Introductory Workshop ANSYS Basics
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W Create keypoints: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > Keypoints > On Working Plane + 12.Create lines: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Lines- Lines > Straight Line + 13.Plot lines and keypoints: –Utility Menu > Plot > Multi-Plots [GPLOT] 14.Save the database to “file.db”: –Pick the “SAVE_DB” button in the Toolbar (or select: Utility Menu > File > Save as Jobname.db) –Or issue: SAVE 15.Delete some of the lines: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Delete > Lines Only + 16.Plot lines and keypoints: –Utility Menu > Plot > Multi-Plots [GPLOT] 17.Resume the previously saved “file.db” database file: –Click the “RESUM_DB” button in the Toolbar (or select: Utility Menu > File > Resume Jobname.db) –Or issue: RESUME 3A. Introductory Workshop ANSYS Basics
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W Plot lines and keypoints: –Utility Menu > Plot > Multi-Plots [GPLOT] 19.Exit ANSYS: –Click the “QUIT” button in the Toolbar (or select: Utility Menu > Exit …) [OK] –Or issue: /EXIT,MODEL 3A. Introductory Workshop ANSYS Basics
Silo Workshop 3B Select Logic
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-9 3B. Select Logic Silo Description Using select logic, assign solid model attributes to the silo model below and then mesh it. The model consists of both shells and beams.
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-10 3B. Select Logic Silo Element types: SHELL63 (TYPE 1) throughout cylinder and cone areas. BEAM4 (TYPE 2) stiffeners for all lines in cone.
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-11 3B. Select Logic Silo Materials: Concrete (MAT 2) for cylinder areas. Steel (MAT 1) for cone areas and stiffeners.
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-12 3B. Select Logic Silo Real Constants: Shell thickness = 1.0 (REAL 1) for cylinder. Shell thickness = (REAL 2) for upper part of cone. Shell thickness = 0.25 (REAL 3) for lower part of cone. Beam constants (REAL 4) for stiffeners.
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-13 3B. Select Logic Silo 1.Enter ANSYS in the working directory specified by your instructor using “silo” as the jobname. 2.Resume the “silo.db1” database file: –Utility Menu > File > Resume from … Select the “silo.db1” database file, then [OK] –Or issue: RESUME,silo,db1 3.Bring up the “Select Entities” menu and select the cylinder areas: –Utility Menu > Select > Entities … Select “Areas”, “By Location”, “Z coordinates” Min,Max = 0,120 [Apply] [Plot] –Or issue: ASEL,S,LOC,Z,0,120 APLOT
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-14 3B. Select Logic Silo 4.Assign solid model attributes to the cylinder areas: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > MeshTool … Select “Areas” under Element Attributes:, then [Set] [Pick All] MAT = 2 REAL = 1 TYPE = “1 SHELL63” [OK] –Or issue: AATT, 2, 1, 1
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-15 3B. Select Logic Silo 5.Select the areas of the upper part of the cone and assign the solid model attributes: –Utility Menu > Select > Entities … Select “Areas” [SELE All] [Plot] –Utility Menu > Select > Entities … Select “Areas”, “By Num / Pick” [Apply] Pick areas shown in the picture to the right. [OK] [Plot] –Main Menu > Preprocessor > MeshTool … Select “Areas” under Element Attributes:, then [Set] [Pick All] MAT = 1 REAL = 2 TYPE = “1 SHELL63” [OK] –Or issue: ASEL,S,P APLOT AATT, 1, 2, 1
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-16 3B. Select Logic Silo 6.Select the areas of the lower part of the cone and assign the solid model attributes: –Utility Menu > Select > Entities … Select “Areas”, “By Location”, “Z coordinates” Min,Max = -60,-30 [Apply] [Replot] –Main Menu > Preprocessor > MeshTool … Select “Areas” under Element Attributes:, then [Set] [Pick All] MAT = 1 REAL = 3 TYPE = “1 SHELL63” [OK] –Or issue: ASEL,S,LOC,Z,-60,-30 APLOT AATT, 1, 3, 1
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-17 3B. Select Logic Silo 7.Select the lines in the cone and assign the solid model attributes: –Utility Menu > Select > Entities … Select “Lines”, “By Location”, “Z coordinates” Min,Max = -60,0 [Apply] [Plot] –Main Menu > Preprocessor > MeshTool … Select “Lines” under Element Attributes:, then [Set] [Pick All] MAT = 1 REAL = 4 TYPE = “2 BEAM4” [OK] –Or issue: LSEL,S,LOC,Z,-60,0 LPLOT LATT, 1, 4, 2
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-18 3B. Select Logic Silo 8.Mesh the lines with BEAM4 elements: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > MeshTool … Select “Lines” under Mesh:, then [Mesh] [Pick All] –Or issue: LMESH,ALL –Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Size and Shape Check Display of Element Shapes to [ON] [OK] [Replot] –Or issue: /ESHAPE,ON /REPLOT
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-19 3B. Select Logic Silo 9.Select everything and mesh the areas with SHELL63 elements: –Utility Menu > Select > Everything –Utility Menu > Plot > Areas –Main Menu > Preprocessor > MeshTool … Select “Areas” under Mesh:, then [Mesh] [Pick All] –Or issue: ALLSEL,ALL APLOT AMESH,ALL
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-20 3B. Select Logic Silo 10.Turn on material numbers for “Elem / Attrib numbering” and plot the elements: –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Numbering... Elem / Attrib numbering = “Material numbers” [OK] –Or issue: /PNUM,MAT,1 EPLOT
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-21 3B. Select Logic Silo 11.Turn on real constant numbers for “Elem / Attrib numbering” and plot the elements: –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Numbering... Elem / Attrib numbering = “Real const num” [OK] –Or issue: /PNUM,REAL,1 EPLOT
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-22 3B. Select Logic Silo 12.Save the meshed model and exit ANSYS: –Utility Menu > File > Save as … Enter “silo-mesh.db” as the database name, then [OK] –Pick the “QUIT” button in the Toolbar Select “Quit - No Save!” [OK] –Or issue: SAVE,silo-mesh,db FINISH /EXIT,NOSAVE
Impeller Extrusion Workshop 3C Select Logic
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-24 3C. Select Logic Impeller Extrusion Description Using select logic, extrude a set of 2-D quad meshed areas to form a 3-D brick meshed volume of an impeller.
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-25 3C. Select Logic Impeller Extrusion 1.Enter ANSYS in the working directory specified by your instructor using “impeller” as the jobname. 2.Resume the “impeller.db1” database file that contains a 2-D quad meshed model: –Utility Menu > File > Resume from … Select the “impeller.db1” database file, then [OK] –Or issue: RESUME,impeller,db1 3.Plot elements along with the solid model entities: –Utility Menu > Plot > Multi-Plots –Or issue: GPLOT
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-26 3C. Select Logic Impeller Extrusion 4.Add element type 2 as SOLID45 and set the default TYPE number to 2: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete … [Add …] Select “Structural Solid” and “Brick 8node 45”, then [OK] [Close] –Main Menu > Preprocessor > MeshTool … Pick [Set] under Element Attributes: Global Set TYPE = “2 SOLID45”, then [OK] –Or issue: /PREP7 ET,2,SOLID45 TYPE,2 5.Define extrude options and extrude all areas along line number 1: 5a.Set the number of element divisions to 2 for extrude operation: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > Extrude > Elem Ext Opts … Set VAL1 = 2 [OK] –Or issue: EXTOPT,ESIZE,2
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-27 3C. Select Logic Impeller Extrusion 5b.Extrude all areas along line 1 and then plot elements: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > Extrude > -Areas- Along Lines + [Pick All] Enter “1” in the ANSYS Input window followed by [Enter] [OK] –Utility Menu > Plot > Elements –Or issue: EXTOPT,ESIZE,2 VDRAG,ALL,,,,,,1 EPLOT
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-28 3C. Select Logic Impeller Extrusion 6.Extrude all fin surface areas (18) and inner ring surface areas (2) along line 2: 6a.Set the number of element divisions to 9 for extrude operation: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > Extrude > Elem Ext Opts … Set VAL1 = 9 [OK] –Or issue: EXTOPT,ESIZE,9 6b.Select all areas that lie on the plane Z=0.25: –Utility Menu > Select > Entities... Select “Areas”, “By Location”, and “Z coordinates” Set Min,Max = 0.25 [Apply] [Plot] –Or issue: ASEL,S,LOC,Z,0.25 APLOT
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-29 3C. Select Logic Impeller Extrusion 6c.Select the 18 fin surfaces and the 2 ring surfaces that lie on the plane Z=0.25: –Utility Menu > Select > Entities... Select “Areas”, “By Num/Pick”, and “Reselect” [OK] Pick the 18 fin surfaces and the 2 ring surfaces [OK] –Utility Menu > Plot > Areas
Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory # W3-30 3C. Select Logic Impeller Extrusion 6d.Extrude the fin and ring surface areas along line 2: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > Extrude > -Areas- Along Lines + [Pick All] Enter “2” in the ANSYS Input window followed by [Enter] [OK] –Utility Menu > Select > Everything –Utility Menu > Plot > Elements –Or issue: VDRAG,ALL,,,,,,2 ALLSEL,ALL EPLOT 7.Save the meshed model and exit ANSYS: –Utility Menu > File > Save as … Enter “impeller-mesh.db” as the database name, then [OK] –Pick the “QUIT” button in the Toolbar Select “Quit - No Save!” [OK] –Or issue: SAVE,impeller-mesh,db FINISH $ /EXIT,NOSAVE